Male veteran noogler here with a question


Veteran Noogler
I am a NB veteran and have been pumping for quite a few years now and I am also a male. I do have a quite awkward question that you may or may not be able to answer. But here goes, I am pumping with the XXL domes, the biggest NB has. I also have the contoured XL domes. My question is I can almost fill the XXL domes and can only get half way at best with the CXL domes. Why do you think this is the case? I do get GREAT swelling from the XXL domes and I love pumping with them. Just wondering why you think I am able to almost fill the XXL domes and only get about half way in the CXL domes? Thanks.


New Member
Sorry if this is off topic. But I been kinda wanting to know a couple things. And you may have some expertise.

I saw you was taking BO to help grow. How long was you on it? Are you still on it? What effects it had on you? I would love to grow some, but I'm wanting info on this. To get an idea what to expect.



Veteran Noogler
I have been taking BO for about a year or so. I am still taking BO. As far as changes go I really haven't noticed that many changes besides that my boobs have gotten bigger. But with extensive research I did find out that if your going to take BO there is the possibility that if you take it for 6 months or longer that you can become infertile, meaning not being able to have kids. Not sure if your male or female but this could be the case if your a male. Hope that helps.


New Member
I'm a male. I read up some on BO. From what I read it really changes you into a woman. Which is why I asked if you had major changes. You been taking it for a year, I would say you would have some by now? I was looking at this as an option.

Did you need a Dr. to get it BO?

You have any new updated pics?


Veteran Noogler
I haven't noticed anything changing me into a female besides the breast growth. Which has been somewhat slow paired with taking other supplements. And also using the NB pump. No you don't need to see a doctor to get BO. I get mine and all my supplements through Swanson Vitamins. They are the only company I trust and they have ALOT OF STUFF. I'm not sure when this picture was taken but here is the latest picture I have.


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New Member
Hey dustin!! Long time no communicate!

My you have made some significant progress since last I viewed you!!

So you almost fill the xxl's but can only get half way into the CXL's? Easy peasy!! you grew breast tissue!! and on us males as you know the width of the chest is much larger and broader than the large majority of females and breasts tend to be the same, much wider. Now that you have grown dragging all that flesh into the smaller area is not going to work so well!!

Is short, you out grew the larges....LOL ... don't worry you will out grow the xxl's in a while too. In fact you most likely already have!! There is a big discussion on breast nexus about the shape of most of the pumping domes, because where the flesh meets the wall of the dome there is no growth except for the stretch from the chest outward. I guess the best way to describe it is ... think of the current dome shape, we are pulling them tall like a building instead of wide and round like boobs. Most folks are of a mind that we should switch to something shaped more like a fishbowl, with the idea that the only contact to the body is at the root of the breast and thats that the breast can expand in ALL directions not just out from the nipples. (Did I explain that ok?)


Veteran Noogler
Yes you explained very well. We need to find a way to make a dome that is fishbowl shaped. It makes alot of sense. But having a dome that is fishbowl shaped, after pumping do you think it would be harder to take the domes off? I do love the thought of getting wider breasts as you can only do so much with the NB domes and other likewise.


New Member
;D there is a fellow on Breast nexus who made his own domes out of something just like this and his boobs....are gynormous!!


If I find the post again I will put a link to it here but I think you will need to sign up there to view it most likely. I can do this but I have not looked into getting the fittings for the vacuum lines yet.


Veteran Noogler
I hope you can find the link. I signed up for Breast Nexus and have no idea where to look. I would love to see it.


Veteran Noogler
I think I found the link on Breast Nexus you were talking about. User name Shannon under the males staying males?


Veteran Noogler
I also forgot to mention that after pumping I wear a 42DD that has some boost padding but isn't an actual pushup bra.


Veteran Noogler
Hey Cali you think I should try the fishbowl method? I can get 2, 2 gallon fishbowls from eBay. I am almost positive I can get the right attachments for the hoses. Ever since you said something about the fishbowls it has had my mind thinking if it would actually work. I don't see why not. What do you think?


New Member
i intend to try as well, but I was thinking of going down to the local pet store to "try some on" first...LOL

See if they will actually fit both at once!!

and yes ... I think it's worth a go!! ;D


New Member
sam1981 ;D your very welcome!! If I get the ummmphf to do it perhaps I will make a big kind of blog post with links n stuff, I mean I even have info on soldiers who grew breast from firing large caliber rifles....LOL Soldier boobs but now THIS article is from recent times, the one I read originally was from 50 years ago or so and this to me is corroborating evidence! It inspired my bomb drop massage... oh wait, I don't think I shared that one yet.

Bomb Drop

OK, so this one is done at an angle, something like 30 degrees bent at the waist, so that your boobs hang a bit, rub them running in circles from out at the rib cage into the breast bone working the tissue upward.... you know .. the usual rub, except when you pull the flesh as far up as it will go, then let it drop all of a sudden. Works really well in shower with some healthy for you body lotion. ;D yeah ... I have read a lot of material on reasons behind mysterious breast growth. ::) AND there are SO many reasons it can happen it's mind boggling!! When I find something that seems like it has merit, I try to incorporate it into my routine. :p

Hope it helps! ;D


New Member
Well, silicone would be a good choice but really I think that where ever you get the fittings should have say a rubber or silicone washer like item to go with the fittings!! yes?

;D if not, then I think a little silicone caulking would be a good deal, ... little hand squeeze tube of it perhaps.