Recent content by j1asicaa

  1. J

    What vitamins will help with hair growth?

    how to make hair grow faster I have heard the B vitamins are good but what other vitamins will help hair growth? Info. appreciated.
  2. J

    Health and its importance!!!

    It is quite difficult to enjoy anything to it's fullest without good health.
  3. J

    How to get a smaller waist

    Build a workout that works on getting your heart rate up and doesn't focus on muscle resistance. Jogging is one of the best types of exercise to lose fat while not bulking up muscle.
  4. J

    anyone know how make or use to get rid of leg weight ?

    well since you're doing all those activitys you're probably gaining muscle which is a lot heavier than fat my friend is like 122 pounds and she's skinny but she's very muscular so that's likely why. if you want to do something about it then go see a doctor or something to tell you why they're so...
  5. J

    Double chin treatment

    there is more way to reduce double chin that is you have to Lose weight all around. There's no way to target where you lose it. If you lose it here, you'll lose it everywhere. Targeted exercises will tone the muscles beneath the fat, and that can sometimes make the bulges even bigger. Try...