
Hi Ann

I promised to keep you updated about my progress as we started using the NB around the same time.

Today is my 11th day I think. I have been using the NB 3 times a day for roughly an hour each time, and on an evening sometimes 2 hours. I struggled on an evening doing 2 hours because the domes dug into my ribs, but I received the rubber sheeting a couple of days ago from Lucy and it has made it so much easier for me.
Last night I pumped for 2 hours without releasing and whenever I felt loose in the domes, I pumped them up again til I had almost filled them. When I removed the domes, I was really swollen. I had to run to the bathroom and look at myself lol, but I knew that in the morning the swelling would be gone.

When I got up this morning, it was my husband who pointed out how much bigger I looked. I looked in the mirror, and although the swelling had gone down a lot, my breasts still looked considerably bigger than they had done in my first week of pumping, especially the top of my breasts. This has really motivated me to wear my domes whenever I can and for as long as I can, knowing that if I stick to my regime I will get the results I am after.

Before using the domes, I also stopped smoking (40 days ago now) and have gained a bit of weight since then, I have gone from 8st to 9st, so I know that maybe a bit of the excess breast will be from weight gain, but even with the weight gain, I had not noticed the difference till this morning.

I am over the moon with my results, and since having 4 kids, my breasts were saggy, now they look and feel much fuller and firmer.

I don't expect overnight miracles, but I feel confident that if I stick to my regime I will get the breasts I have always wanted.

I have also been drinking lots of water too as I read somewhere that helps breast growth.

So there you have it, as you can tell, I am really pleased lol. How have you been getting on with your domes Ann? Anyone else like to share their experiences of the NB?


Hi Nicky,
I appreciate you sharing your progress. It keeps me motivated. I haven't gotten measurable difference but I can tell my breasts are firming up a bit and keep minimal swelling. You have 4 kids, that's great! I have 5 kids. How do you do it with wearing it during the day? I can use it in the morning while my 2 toddlers are with me. I really have to keep the pump in a hidden place because of them. Anyhow, I started out doing 15 min. sessions usually 3 times a day. But it's really hard for me to pump when my older kids are home. So I've been pumping 30 min. morning and evening. I'll try to pump for an hour twice a day, probably in a few more days. I'm really happy for you. Keep up the good work. ;D


Hi Ann.

I only have my 3 year old daughter at home during the day as the rest of the kids are at school, and she doesn't take too much notice of the domes. So I can pretty much wear them as often as I like during the day, between the hours of 9am and 3pm. I work from home and a lot of my work is on the computer, so its quite easy to wear them at my desk if I am not moving about too much.

I tend to go to bed quite early, about 10pm and I put the domes on again as soon as I get in bed to watch tv, and leave them on for as long as I am watching tv.

I read somewhere on the forum that most users find it easier to fill the domes on a morning, but I'm the opposite. I fill them much easier on a night.

I had used the Brava system previously, but gave up on it, silicone rupturing etc and it was one expense after another, but with the Brava I had to wear them 11 hours a day for a minimum of 10 weeks, so I'm guessing the principal is the same with the NB, the longer we wear them, the quicker we see the results, which is why I am trying to go for at least 2 sessions lasting an hour and a longer session on a night.

I know how hard it is when the kids are around, I have to change my regime on a weekend when the kids are all at home, and this coming week too as they have broke up now. But I don't want to miss any days out. With the Brava, if I missed a day, I lost a week of progress, so I am trying to adopt the same principal with the NB.

Keep it up anyway Ann and try to fit a pumping session in whenever you can.

Happy Pumping :)


Congratulations on the Giving up smoking, I've gone 12 weeks now, I also put on a little weight, but that has started to go now also. You'll soon feel better in so many ways. Your hubby will think he has a new woman.
Keep it up


I have now done about 2 weeks with my NB and though I have a lot of swelling afterwards it isn't staying for 24 hours like some women on here have experienced. The swelling still tends to go down within an hour of removing the domes. I know these things take time and I never expected overnight results, but I am so keen to be able to wear my halter necks this summer :)


I agree, dont expect results in a few days or weeks. Better to think long term, so we dont depress our selves. I did get good swelling a few nights ago, stayed only an hour or so like you mentioned. I just like the fact that I have firmness. I am measuring an inch more throughout the day. But my period should be coming soon, so it might be swelling from that too. I'll just have to wait and see.


Progress to report

I wanted to share that I've got an increase.....one inch!!!
How about you? Any progress?


I am definitely seeing an increase, the tops of my breasts look a lot fuller now, and when I wear a bra, I actually have a cleavage lol.

I haven't been able to do my usual morning routine for the past week or so, due to having to be up and out for meetings etc, but I am still doing a good couple of hours on an evening and trying where I can to fit in a 30 min session in an afternoon.

Ann, well done and thanks for keeping me informed hun, I think its good to have someone there who started at the same time, so we can keep each other motivated, and of course, compare our progress.


Nicky and Ann,
Thanks for sharing your progress with everyone. Is the increase you both are seeing now staying 24 hours?


Hi jenjen

I have got some definite lasting growth now, not much but I definitely notice it, particularly when I put a bra on.

The swelling I have just after removing the domes though, still isn't lasting more than an hour or so. It doesn't put me off, I will keep at it, and hopefully by the Summer when I go on my hols, I will have lasting swelling.


Thanks! I am definitely following the updates, so please keep us posted.


Same here. The swelling is there all day and once I'm done with a pumping sesssion, there's slight more increase...and a little of it stays for a few hours.


I did a 3 hour session last night with the domes, and this morning my boobs still looked huge. The swelling did go down a fair bit throughout the day, but I did notice considerably more swelling all day than I have after previous sessions.

I have been wearing a little vest top today and my boobs were bulging out of the top and they have never done that before. So I am over the moon.

I easily fill the large domes now without any pulling sensation, but I know that the XL domes will be way too wide for me, so I can't wait for the longer length large domes to be available.