Feedback from current Noogleberry users?



Hello all,

I've been trawling this forum and am planning to buy the NB. I just wanted hear from those of you currently using the Noogleberry, particularly regarding the following issues:

* side effects: skin rash? discoloration of breasts? problems with nipples? sagging of skin/boobs?

* how long did you take to see some noticeable results (eg. half to one cup size increase)?

* sustainability: understand that it varies from person to person, but would like to hear from those who have been on Noogleberry for some weeks/months and have stopped for periods of time between. Did you find that your breasts reverted to what they were before?

I'm average built - 105 pounds, 5'3", currently a full A/small B and am looking to increase to a full B or even C if possible.

Thanks in advance for any help!


I've been using the Noogleberry for a few months now, but not as consistant as I should. Most days I only use once for about an hour. My breasts have darkened, but the same thing happened with the Bosom Beauty and they faded after about a month without using the BB.

I have noticed an extra half inch increase. Slowly but surely I hope to hit my goal of a full B, small C. Considering I started as a AA before Brava and am now a small B, I'm not doing too bad.

I've used Brava and Bosom Beauty and have not lost any size from that, so I assume NB will be the same. If you haven't checked out Mia's photos you should - that is what convinced me to buy one!