I am new to noogleberry Please reply have questions


New Member
I will be purchasing a noogleberry system tomorrow. I am starting as a 32A and have breast feed two children due to doing so, my boobs of course :-\ sag and lack fullness. I am occasionly working out on a total gym, but stop due it working out my upper body and seeing my small boobs starting to disappear :(. Is the total gym a good combo with noogleberry? Also is there anyone a mother like myself who breastfeed a child and used the system? If so how long did it take to get results?

Matt B

New Member
Hey There Hoping,Glad to have you here..There are a couple of real inspirational ladies here that breastfed.Look up Minnie,and Mumma Bear.They really had great results.As for the total gym,it's great you're staying in shape.I'm no trainer,but breast tissue is mostly fat,so you might be burning it up.What exercises are you doing,and how is your diet?
Let us know when you start the NB.

Matt B ~and again welcome to the forum


New Member
I try to eat pretty healthy, but you know how goes when you need something quick there is always mickiedies nearby ;D. I always cook dinner and I try my best to eat a lot of green(USDA certified organic) as well as fruits and grains. I do not eat red meat, but I eat plenty of chicken, Turkey, and on some occasions bacon when going out to breakfast. I am pretty sure a good lean diet is recommended using the nb to get the best results, but my only worry with my diet is that I consume at least 2 cups of caffeine daily ;) I got two rambunctious boys so, I need a kick to get the day going. I am purchasing the nb today and taking a break from the total gym to maximize my results for growth. Thanks for replying to my post the info. You gave was really helpful ;D

Matt B

New Member
Hi Hoping,you sound super healthy girl so I think you'll do great.Don't worry about the coffee as long as you're drinking enough water.I drink 5-6 cups of Starbucks French Roast a day,and it hasn't hurt my growth at all.Caffeine is a diuretic so water intake is crucial.
The red meat thing is your choice,but there are some amino acids as well as protein in it that is beneficial.A quality cut of it won't hurt you at all.
PS it usually takes about 8-10 days to get the NB.I'm in Michigan and mine took 8.

Matt B ;)



New Member
I am trying to order the nb I am starting as a 32A but, noticed my Victoria secret bras said 32AA and just 32A :'(. My measurement is 29in does anyone have any advice about cup sizes for the nb? ???

Matt B

New Member
Hi Hoping,and I'm sure you will grow.I would order the mediums if I were you.Once you start you're going to be pleasantly surprised how fast you fill them up.Or,you can e-mail Lucy to make sure,she's great.

Matt :)


New Member
I'm a 32AA and started off with smalls, and within a month filled those and moved to mediums. So you could probably start with mediums and save some money, and they'll last longer.