i recieved mine yesterday



Age:18 Height:153cm Weight:48kgs
I am so excited when i received it yesterday.It just took 1day.
Last night was my first time to use it hope that my boobs become bigger day by day.
And for your information i did not use the NB with any cream at all..is that ok? Or u guys have any
suggestions for me.

thank u.


You're almost the same size as me, but I'm 26 - old! It doesn't hurt you to not use cream but cream may make it easier to keep the air in - whichever way you find it easier is fine, good luck x


I use a bit of lotion on each breast and find the breast "glides" easier into the dome as the air is suctioned out. I seem to get better swelling this way.

One poster mentioned baby oil on the skin can cause the pump to stop working. She left her pump out to dry out, and eventually it worked again.


I wish you the best of luck with yours. I received mine last week and am excited to get using it consistently. I have used it for about 20mins a day but my schedule and children often get in the way. I can feel that I am a bit fuller. I am considering going to the larger cups which I have but have a problem with it hitting my ribs. May wait a bit longer to expand more.
I wish you the best and by the looks of the pics and reading the forums, I think that we have chosen the correct product. I am elated to know that I will be able to put on a sexy shirt and feel feminine.