my stats



bra size start:34A with a small gap in it
clothes size- 8-10 ok
height- 5 foot
no breast feeding/children

bra size 34C
Clothes size 6-8 uk
height nothing i can do about that lol new shoes? 4" heels

Previous NBE history:
tried herbs individually , wonder up, Mirrifen,st herb,pm soap, PM massage for a couple of years and after gaining a couple of inches lost it all

Noogle with 2 small cups x 15 min am
some evenings up to 1.5 hours (but this is very irregular at present)
using bodyshop mango body butter, waiting for new PM cream to arrive

2 weeks in:
I definatly feel alot fuller and can fill the domes very quickly, this happened after only 3 days


Hi gingerD,

That's fantastic. You responded so fast to the pumping. Keep on pumping but not to overpump.

Good luck with your NB journey !


Wow - well done. That is some fast swelling - maybe the creams started something off and noogleberry will finish it!

I am also aiming for a 34C (although I'm starting to wonder whether 34D would be better for me) but I am aiming for a UK size 10 (or 8-10). I just can't seem to get out of 30 inch waist jeans because I have big hips and a big bottom! Are you doing anything to lose weight that you can see working to get down to the 6-8 size you want? (hope you don't mind me asking). I am going to the gym every day and doing an exercise DVD most days and have tried to cut down on carbs - have lost a little wieght but I can't seem to shift the rest! How good would it be to be lovely and slim and have nice big boobies!

How is it going after your last update? How come the PM massage didn't work in the end - was it because you stopped doing it? (Sorry for all the questions!)

x x x x


New Member
Rachiex, I worked out for 3 months and dieted to lose some fat I had, I went from a size 8 in pants to a size 4/5, sometimes I can now wear a 3. Before losing weight my hip measurement was 38 inches, they are now 36 inches, so lost 2 inches there. I didn't lose any weight as far as the scale goes, because I did some strength training and gained muscle. But while at the gym before working out they measured my body fat percentage and it was 25% I now have 16 or 17%. What I did is I worked out 4 or 5 days a week. I had a high protein diet. 3 days a week I did cardio for 30 min and strength training type exercises for an hour. One or two days a week I did cardio for 30 min and either yoga or pilates. I would have a protein shake for breakfast every morning (I still do this part), and I would eat 5 other small portioned meals throughout the day. I wouldn't have any junk food or sweets, no sodas, etc. I didn't count carbs or anything. And this seemed to work. I now work out a few times a week moderately, not as high intense as I use to just to maintain what I got. I run and walk with my dog 3 times a week, do some yoga and pilates at home, and some crunches and such once a week. When I do my crunches and stuff I use plate weights, the resistance helps alot if you want defined muscles. Hope I'm not bombarding you with info here lol I'm a health nut.


No, that's great for all the info - I'm thinking if I can't find a weight loss programme that gives me the results I want in about 10 months then I will go for lipo because most of my fat is around the hips, bottom and thigh area so I'm not sure weight loss would solve ALL my problems! I go to the gym every day and run for about 20 minutes on and off, do cross training, the wave machine, arm weights and rowing and go to an abs class about twice a week. I also do a high intensity exercise DVD about 4 days a week (have been slacking recently!) I just wonder if I can keep this up for the rest of my life as it is taking up about 3 1/2 hours a day - by the time I go to bed I am exhausted and I have only gone down half a dress size so I'm losing hope that it will get me the figure that I want.

Your advice sounds great though - I will try to ramp up the resistance. I have just bought a pilates band and Pilates DVD so I might try that too.

Way to go on the body fat! I had my BMI checked and I was 25 and now I'm 24.5 so it's going down but it is taking such a long time - I'm going to do the Beyonce detox soon and see how that goes...

Thanks for the advice and congrats on transforming your figure (and more transformation to come too hopefully!)

x x x x


New Member
Oh yes, definitely a detox can help, I do a colon cleanse and detox once a year, you'll be amazed how much gunk comes out and how much better you feel after, I normally get the supplements for this from a local healthfood store that was in my home town, this year and the next couple of years I will just have to order it cause where I am now doesn't sell stuff like that, luckily they do sell protein shake mixes and bars, and if you ever start an herbal NBE routine, I am told a high protein diet is a good benefit, so maybe that is why I see good results. Best of luck with your weight loss, I hate to see anyone resort to surgery.