NADIR stats



Well, here I am again.

After taking a short break of pumping due to nipple issues I am back and I hope this time I can make it!
I want to order the XLs cups asap, in the meantime I will keep pumping my large domes.

So here are my stats:


No, the one on the pic is not me, LOL! :p

1. upper chest line --------------- 80cm, around 31,5 inches
2. nipples line -------------------- 88cm, about 34,6 inches
3. Underbust line ---------------- 72cm, about 28 inches

I got NB back on 2007, but couldn't use it 'cause my boobs were still producing milk a year or more after stopping breastfeeding (I breastfeed for 8 months or so).
I recently decided to give it another try but had some problems with my nipples and just took it easy.
In the meantime I am using kigelia africana serum, and, just two days ago, started using lavender essential oil and tea tree EO added to some firming bust milk I have.
Kigelia has worked wonders for me in the past, and the Essential oils, well, too early to say.
My goals are to get the fullnes of my upper breasts back, not really want to go further of my usual C cup, but, I see we got greedy here, so ask me in few months from now....
I hope now I will make it happen!