Rounded Shape?


New Member
Hi everyone,

I've started noogling more than a year ago and have been religiously consistent with it and I think I've finally found which routine works best for me.

It's taken a while and a lot of ups and downs. As of now, size went from 31.5 inches around the largest point of the bust and now just a tiny bit over 34 inches. I went from stuffing my 32A bras with some tissue to make it look at least filled out to bursting out of them to filling out 32B bras comfortably. I am hoping to move up to 32Cs eventually.

Despite the sucess with number increase, I always wanted a rounder shape but mine look more like, for the lack of a better description, "plump triangles". They pretty much went from hills to fat mountains.... The only time they get their most rounded shape is around a week before my period, so I know it's due to hormonal changes. However, does anyone with similar shape to mine have any suggestions on how to make them more rounded?


New Member
Hi, Jessica I'm sorry I don't have the answer to the question as my breast are not triangle shape. But I want to ask you have you tried positioning the cups to target certain areas of the breast and only putting oil there?

Congratulations on reaching your year milestone and all the results you've seen so far!!


Hi Jessica. I'm not noogling consistently at the moment, but I've found that using a tennis ball (or something smaller, depending how far you fill the domes) helps flatten the centre of the breast, which allows the surrounding tissue to fill out. I do this to prevent elongating my already long nipples and discovered it creates a much rounder shape. I didn't get much forward protrusion but more rounded swelling, which should counteract the triangle shape over time. Let us know if it works for you.