


Hello All:

I have a few questions while I am anxiously awaiting my noogleberry. I was wondering does the pumping affect the sensitivity of your breasts at all? ??? I mean does anyone notice that their breasts are more or less sensitive, after pumping, or in general. Also I see that there is a nipple enlargment attachment that can be purchased. Does anyone notice that they have bigger nipples by pumping, even without the attatchment. I have small breasts but big nipples, and was wondering if they were going to be getting bigger.

Okay Thank You for your replies.


Hi umbasheer,

Regarding your question about breasts being more or less sensitive, for me, I've noticed they are more sensitive. In addition to that, my significant other is also noticed they are more sensitive, and neither one of us will complain about that! LOL as for my nipples, I've noticed that they did get slightly larger as well but, not too much. However, they are more sensitive as well and again, I am not complaining about that.

So I would say to you, to have patience, and when the noogleberry arrives, use it faithfully and enjoy your results. If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to ask I will be happy to share any of my own personal observations and successes that I have had with my noogleberry. I hope this helps.



Hi Natale:

I am Kareemah I know my handle is umbasheer and in arabic that means the mother of Basheer. It is a tradition to be knick named after your oldest child. Especially your oldest son. Sorry for the side topic. You can call me either.

I suspected that maybe there would be more sensitivity with the improved circulation and (blood flow) to the breast. Yes I find this would be wonderful. Larger nipples is still an extra benefit. Eveything sounds great and I will be reporting results as soon as I am able.

Thank You,


I've started my NB 4 days ago, and they are already a lot more sensitive than they were, even though they were already pretty sensitive, lol. I like this change though, so does my boyfriend, lol.