suction and lumps



Hello all...
just a bit worried as I seem to have produced a lump on my chest wall above my boob as a result of my suctioning. It feels a bit like a lump of fat or something and sin't in the breast, but above it. It hurts a bit to press on and looks more pronounced when i've finished suctioning.

Any ideas anyone? Should i stop? Continue, but less? Will it go away? Etc etc... any thoughts appreciated!

Madboobie xx


Noogleberry Admin Team
Hi Madboobie, this sounds like a small bruise or 'seroma' induced by over pumping and will go on its own. I would stop pumping for a few days and if its reduced in size, that what it is. If it doesnt go down, let me know. They main thing , there is nothing to worry about.

best wishes
Lucy :)


Hi maddoobie,

First let me say I am not a medical professional of any kind nor do I work for Noogleberry so what I am offering here is my own opinion and you should do with it what ever you feel is best for you.

I am sorry to hear about the lump. Is the lump within the cup area? By that I mean, when you finish pumping and take your cups off there is usually a ring around your breasts is that lump inside that ring or outside? If it is within the ring I would stop using the NB and wait for the lump to go away. If it is outside that ring I would think it may be caused by something else. Again, I would discontinue until it goes away.

Also, you did not say how long you have been using your NB, and how long you had it on when you noticed the lump? Could it have been caused by overpumping?
