Travelling -arghh




ok am starting all my NB stuff next week. (begining april) ;D

one of my good friends is coming over in july for 2 weeks travelling.
i am probably going to be staying in backpackers accomodation ( so you can imagine how painful its going to be for me to pump boobs ) :-[

so : Will i loose what i have gained if i dont use NB for 2 weeks (after only using it for a bit less then 3 months ?)

on the other hand if i am going to loose what i gained , might as well go for the embarrassing explaining to my friend what i am doing and somehow find the hour i need to pump those boobies !

advice? :-\




Hi boobylove,

Have a good vacation! First if you do decide to take your NB with you although the weight will be bearable the space you will loose on a backpacking trip may be more than you can give up. You'll have 3 months completed and in my opinion, whatever you may loose in gains during that time will quickly come back once you begin again. The break in your routine may actually be helpful because your body will be used to the routine then you will be taking it away and your breasts will be craving the routine so when you begin again they mayrespond positively.

On the other hand if you really get into and an enjoy the work out for "your girls" like I did that 2 week layoff may be more than you can stand, in which case you'll need to find an hour a day where/ when ever you can. When I first began, if I missed a day I was miserable and treated everyone I came in contact with terribly. So I guess when your vacation gets here you can decide whether or not to take your NB.
