want advice on changing pumping routine

noogler 24

New Member
hi all.i was thinking of changing my pumping routine as my current routine of about 3 hrs long 1 session(mostly PH with break every 49 min) seems to give me like 1 cm in 3 months yet.
if i switch now to pumping 2 times a day for like 1to 2 hr each..with PR say 7:2 or 15:5..in how many days shall i know that changing was a good idea or bad?
for how many days should i try a new routine to see if it is working better
does the one method that make me swell more is going to get me grow more?
u know..i swell like 2 to 2 n half cm in 3 hrs session..if i do for 5 hrs some night it is upto 3 cm swelling
i was wondering if i pump in smaller sessions i ll swell twice a day but just 1 cm.so please somebody help me choose
i m very very happy ablut 1 cm i have gained bcz if it id 1 n half cm.more that wd be an inch :) so yeah..i m glad.
i just want to improve as muchh as i can since i have to wait 2 months for job to start so these 2 months i can put in more efforr n experiment more
thank you all ❤

noogler 24

New Member
i guess i have grown 1.5 cm actually..i always doubt my measurement bcz it seems like too good to be true when i meaure bigger numbrr..but since like..1 week ,24hr after ladt session i meaure 86.5..even durng my flattest days of periods 3 days ago i was above 86 .2 mm less than 86.5 may be..but i guess i have grown 86.5 ..let's ignore 2 3 bad days of month,screw them when 27 days a month i measure bigger than those 3 days


New Member
What I have read in others articles that don’t harsh your self !
It’s along process and 1 hour per session is perfect I guess


Active Member
There seems to be a lot of variability on this subject. In general I have not seen any successes by anybody noogling less than 1 hr/day and several who claimed that they did not get any progress until they upped to 3 or 4 hrs/day. Some have claimed that more hours is worse. So it seems to be all over the place. Some have claimed more swelling if split sessions > 1 hr each morning and night. It makes sense that 2 sessions a day results in breasts staying swollen longer as a total number of hours per day. Another thing I have observed is that irregular noogling seems to work better, despite many claiming that never missing a day is important. I think taking days off like maybe 2 to 3 consecutive days a week allows the breasts some recovery time, so in general my conclusion is more hours per day with days off.

noogler 24

New Member
thank you james and fufu..i am now going to change routine as per ur suggestions n see how it helps..a break .inevitable 3 days break is due next week..m going out of town..i wish it helps me


Ce que j’ai lu dans d’autres articles qui ne vous sévèrent pas !
C’est le long du processus et 1 heure par session est parfait, je suppose


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