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  1. S

    My micro changes log [43, Male]

    Since the last picture I had to take a 6 weeks break to go on a beach holiday (not a word was said when at the pool) and for some femily to visit. Now I am finally back to having some "me" time and I can play with the Noogle for a bit. Yesterday I reached what, I believe, is my new noogling...
  2. S

    My micro changes log [43, Male]

    Last week I tried something funny. I bought the purple nipple massagers from Amazon (just about £10) and tried them on while noogling. I love the feeling, and the swelling seems to last a lot longer after pumping. The picture with the yellow t-shirt is from one week after pumping. I may have to...
  3. S

    My micro changes log [43, Male]

    I did some noogling today, then I put on a 36DD (definitely not padded, but underwired) Not much room left to fill...
  4. S

    My micro changes log [43, Male]

    I haven't updated this thread in forever. In late Feb and until April I experimented with some oestrogen gel at 0,06%. It's sold OTC in many countries and I managed to import a bottle. I also continued to Noogle. Then I had to regain all my strength and slow down on my "weid hobbies" for a while...
  5. S

    My micro changes log [43, Male]

    For completeness and scientific accuracy, here are the pictures of the moment I took the domes off (1 hour pumps, including 6 high vacuum sprints of 2 minutes each), then one of me in a 38C bra, and one picture 5 hours after pumping.
  6. S

    My micro changes log [43, Male]

    Last day of pumping before a 15 days holiday break. This is where I am at when I apply as much vacuum as I can take (with a bit of pain, so I can't yet hold this size for longer than 2 or 3 minutes). The domes are official Noogleberry XL cups. Right boob (closer to the camera here) is definitely...
  7. S

    Mastermind's progress

    Wow! Huge and very round! I am jealous!
  8. S

    My micro changes log [43, Male]

    Ok, another picture, this one from today. Same type of pumping. And one in my favourite 38C bra, that months ago was way way emptier
  9. S

    My micro changes log [43, Male]

    The redness went away after just 2 hours. No sign of pumping after 3 hours at all, apart from some extra size that lasted well into the jext day (today), so for at least 24 hours. When I took that picture I was trying a different way of pumping. Instead of reaching my largest comfort vacuum and...
  10. S

    My micro changes log [43, Male]

    I can never decide if I am pumping too much or not enough
  11. S

    Cups drifting outwards

    I am asking this here as I haven't found a solution yet. I have a Noogleberry with XL domes. What I do when I put them on is to use some body cream, spread it on the chest, massage it around until it's 50% absorbed (smooth but not dry) and put the domes on. I always only leave a 1cm gap between...
  12. S

    Hi I'm new here

    Wow! That bra surely looks good on you! What size is it?
  13. S

    breast blisters after pumping

    I would also suggest to not do 2 hours straight. Follow Tina's advice. Get to the point of feeling pins pricks, back down the pressure, and keep the cups on for at most one hour. Then take them off and wait for another hour, and then do another 1 hour long session. A few people have said, and...
  14. S

    My micro changes log [43, Male]

    Thanks for commenting, but please keep your pictures for your thread. I am logging my progress in this one. Thank you
  15. S

    My micro changes log [43, Male]

    Thank you MrK I am definitely nowhere "big" right now, nor I think I'll ever be. But I am definitely going to push until I fill a bit more than half of those domes :)
  16. S

    My micro changes log [43, Male]

    So, here we go. End of session 2. One picture right after taking off the cups, and one with a 38C non padded bra
  17. S

    My micro changes log [43, Male]

    I definitely changed my pumping routine to 50/60 minutes twice a day with 1 hour break in the middle. I am home alone 3 days a week, so I only pump those days. I do 1 hour at 10 AM, then break between 11 and 12, and do another hour between 12 and 1. I think I manage to add a bit more pressure in...
  18. S

    My micro changes log [43, Male]

    Micro update: Last week I noogled twice, and so I did this week. The first time (the previous pictures) I had a permanent red circle around my boob that lasted for a whole day and scared me a bit. I mean red skin for thw whole width of the pumped area, not jsut the outer ring. The skin went back...
  19. S

    My micro changes log [43, Male]

    So, this is day 1/ground zero. I think my XL cups are definitely too big for my needs, but being a 38 chest with b (ish) moobs I thought it would work. Anyway, day 1 of noogling. I'll try to do this 3 times a week (when I am home alone), starting with a short 15 minutes session once every hour...
  20. S

    New noogler: airlock question

    Hi I just got my noogle and I tried to use it today. I bought the contoured cups with airlock, manual pump, no gauge. There are no instructions, so I just tried to understand how it works. Am I right in thinking that when I pusk on the metal levers next to the valve, the tubes should pop off...