Best time to pump? when is it most effective?


New Member
i'm sorry if this is a repeated question, but when is the best time to pump?

During our period or when we don't have our period?
DOes it make a difference with being permanency or effectiveness?

Also, i've been on NB for 3 months but to no avail and i take MSM and not the only one here right? :(

Teeny Tiny

Especially in the beginning the biggest thing about noogling is consistency. There is no time better than another, you need to try to do it every single day for at least 30 minutes if not more. Also doing multiple sessions throughout the day seems to work better for some, like say 30-60 minutes in the morning before you start your day, then maybe another session in the afternoon if possible, and/or another session before you go to bed. Some even snoogle, which is noogling while you sleep, but once you get into the larger size domes like the XL's it's hard to snoogle as most cannot tolerate the pressure for more than maybe a few hours at a time, very few can probably do it throughout the night. The main thing is you need to find what works best for you, then keep it up until you stall (if you do), then change things up till it gets going again, then keep that routine up, and just keep the faith and don't give up and one day you'll be able to say "holy crap, they're huge!" Some have fast results, and some don't, so don't be disappointed if you don't see anything for a while, took me 11 months before there was any noticeable/measurable growth. It's a long term commitment, but in the end it's worth it because they'll be natural, and all you! ;)


New Member
Teeny gave some great advice! I find I get better results if I pump in sessions, like she explained. I pump once in the morning for an hour and once at night. On days when I only pump once a day, I find that my swelling is gone for a long time...because I go 23 hours without pumping. But pumping about every 12 hours works better for me. As far as pumping and your period, I haven't found any increased/decreased I don't really take that into consideration...I just pump regardless. Good luck!


i pump for 30 mins in the evening but not because of swelling but just convienience


New Member
I don't think we know when the best time to pump is- there may not be one! People pump at all different hours and times, and you should be pumping all the time, not just on or off your period. Good luck!