Extender questions



I am considering purchasing the Penis extender, but I have a couple of questions:

1. How discreet is your shipping? What is printed on the shipping label? To take it a step further, what will be shown on the credit card statement?

2. I'd like to know about your privacy policy. Specifically, I'm concerned that once I place an order, my name and address might be added to a mailing list and sold to third party marketters. Could you address this concern?

Thanks for your help!



Noogleberry Admin Team
Hi cb, thank you for the posting and welcome to the forum. In answer to your questions;

1. All our items are shipped in plain strong welll sealed packaging with no company logo or description of the goods on the it anywhere. On the credit card statement it will simply read; 'Paypal sales' , so no one will know what you have bought or from which company. The customs label will be generalised like ; gift, sample or toy.

2. We do not pass on anyones details. We keep the minimum amount of purchase details for warranty purposes only and we dont even send out marketing emails or newsletters etc because we do not need to. There are very strict data protection laws in the UK which we adhere to completely.

Please feel free to post more questions to other forum users for unbiased comments. We appreciate your very valid questions and i hope our answers have reassured you and others,

kind regards



I too had the same concerns as you, but upon receipt of the goods, I needn't have worried.

It was a padded white envelope with just my address. Inside was a grey cardboard box, with the plastic case inside with all the contents secured inside.

As for the credit card ... nothing is on the statement that would cause any kind of surprises or embarrassment.

Go ahead and order ... quick delivery, great after sales and support.
