Health and its importance!!!



Health is the greatest asset that everyone of us want to have. We try our best to be healthy and free from diseases. Though we try our best and take balanced diet but due to our negligence we become victim of diseases. All of us keep one thing in mind "Prevention is better than cure". Good health leads us to success. We can carry our day to day work in an effective way and we can achieve our goal in very short period of time. Good health has great importance in our life. So we all should try our best to be healthy. We should follow prevention method. What you guys think about this?


New Member
I would definitely have to agree. Breast cancer runs in my family and I am at first-degree risk-my mother died of it at age 37. I am a singer and my vocal coach is always preaching about being healthy because as a singer, I am always needing my health. I can't risk being sick, because then I won't be able to perform my best at shows. At the very worst, I would have to cancel, which means turning money away in the music industry. My coach even wrote a book about how to stay healthy, and his big key point is prevention. Basically, it tells about eating right, exercising, not abusing drugs/alcohol, making sure you get enough nutrients, drinking a TON of water, etc. Everything that all of us has heard our whole lives. It's hard to try to stay healthy, especially with all the yummy snacks and treats that we're tempted with on a day to day basis. It's so true's much easier to prevent a cold, rather than catch one and try to ease the symptoms with some medication. He also goes into how although he is emphasizing staying healthy for singing, it's important to stay healthy for your everyday healthy living! Healthy living=better chance at being disease free, which=living a longer, stronger, healthier life.


New Member
YEs!! That is a very Good post there. I definitely agree to that. Now a days I noticed that most of the people are having a bad habit. They are not concern about anything even though it is their health at risk.
Great post there!!


New Member
It's funny-we mock celebrities (the one coming to mind is Jennifer Lopez) for hiring personal nutritionists for their children, so they only eat organic and healthy. I remember reading in People magazine that her kids have never even had a sip of soda. But really, isn't that a good thing? Her kids are going to be incredibly healthy. I wish I never had Dr. Pepper, chocolate, fried mozzarella sticks, or any of that...would have made trying to cut these items out of my diet much easer!


New Member
Ladies if you are healthy be proactive and start eating well now. Don't wait until things get bad and this is coming from someone who is chronically ill with health problems that no doctor can fix or even give me any hope of feeling better. I have been sick for as long as I can really remember (at least age 15).

I eat gluten free. That's a very good way of cutting out most of the bad foods. It hides in nearly everything processed.

@that1spaztichik That's so awesome you are a singer. I love singing, but I don't do anything professional. :) That's my life's dream haha


New Member
Gluten free is great! It really forces you to look into what you are eating, and you end up making a lot of your own food, too. Thanks, I love singing. It's just a hobby, but it's a fun one!


New Member
Health is very important. One thing in the world that cannot be undo is life. If you don't take care of your health, then you're risking your life.


New Member
The absence of disease or injury along with physical, mental, and social well-being.
The importance of good health cannot be ignored. Without good health we leave ourselves susceptible to dangerous diseases and a shortened life span. Good health is fairly easy to achieve, but you must make certain changes in your life style that may seem difficult at first. The main thing to remember is to start off slowly and don't try to change everything at once.


New Member
Wealth may mean different or different people; some people think that money is the only wealth that we need in our life. I don’t do completely agree with this fact but this can be true to some extent but there is no happiness or joy that can be experienced until and unless you are having good health. Apart from good health and enough wealth other things that are important are wisdom, ethics, right attitude, love, affection, thankfulness, care for other, and forgiveness.

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New Member
The importance of good health cannot be overlooked. Without good health we depart ourselves susceptible to dangerous illnesses and a shortened life span. A healthy body is fairly easy to achieve, however, you must make certain changes in your lifetime style that may seem difficult initially. The main thing to remember is to begin slowly and don't try to alter everything at once.


New Member
Yes, you are correct prevention is better than cure. Taking a proper prevention method is surely helps to overcome several health issue in the body. Doing simple workouts and following proper food diet will helps to overcome several health issues in the body.