;D hey James!
Rockets posted schedule on nexus says from what I saw they were 4 hour sessions, and she did not indicate that there were a lot of breaks so I assumed she was doing 4 hours a set.
However after having noogled for something like 5 years now I can honestly say it seems that the longer the better. Though at high pressure definitely not more than an hour, at lower pressure where I have the domes on just to the point that nothing noticeably jiggles when I shake them I could go all day
though I do break it up a bit.
I used to post as Buxomboobs, but I muffed an email address change and it seemed a lot easier to just start a new account LOL.
My greatest progress still comes from Hydro.....and I love warm water nooglin so much that even if I decide not to grow anymore I doubt I will be able to stop. :
Here is another firsts I thought I would give a try, I bought a vac pump at my local auto parts store, because for 30 bucks I got a high quality gauged pump with reservoir so liquids dont actually flow through the pump itself, (though some will still get in). As I suspected that the hydrolic pressure would be even greater using a substance with a higher viscosity/weight than water. Instead of water I have been using flaxseed oil, usually not at high pressure though it's more of a bathing thing. At some point I am going to mix about a half gallon of flax seed oil with a pint of 120:1 PM extract and give that a go. I like to warm the oil up just a bit on an old coffee cup warmer I have with stainless steel bar tender type mixing cup, and ... its awesome! It takes a bit of pumping though as the resevoir needs to be emptied a couple of times before their at a good pressure but its oh so worth it. Usually save that for a weekend evening while relaxing with a movie or book.
For me it's always been a slow n steady process, but being male what else would you expect, it's an uphill battle.
Thanks much for yer input! and I have been meaning to ask you .... since your not (from what I remember) a noogler your self, you must just be a really involved breast lover....
;D as i know your involved on more than one breast site.....hehehe