Some Breast Enhancement Foods For You to Try


New Member
Many women want to treat their bodies better, eating more nutritious foods and exercising to remain fit. The allure of having bigger and more attractive breasts is hard to resist, though. If you want to keep your goal of having a healthy body but want to improve a little on what nature gave you, there are breast enhancement foods that you can try.

Fenugreek is one such herb. Fenugreek is often recommended to nursing mothers who want to increase their milk supply. It can also be used by women to enhance the look of their breasts because the seed contains compounds which increase healthy breast tissue. Fenugreek is available in capsules and teas. Not only does it help to keep your breasts healthy and beautiful, it can lower cholesterol, help with Type 2 Diabetes, and ease symptoms of menopause. It is a remarkable herb.

Saw Palmetto is another herb that has been used for centuries. It has no side effects and can be used by men and women alike. For men, it can alleviate impotence. For women, it can help increase the size of the breasts. It can also be used to maintain good digestion, strengthen the urethra, and maintain the thyroid gland and urinary system.


Active Member
Fenugreek will add fat over the whole body, it does not just target the breasts. Many skinny women want that so it is not all bad but if you take it you should be aware.