


Happy Newyear to you Waxingmoon! Looking a a full C is great, well done!


Oh waxingmoon, I knew you must be out of town because we have MISSED YOU!! And so happy that you only came down a wee bit..that surely shows progress! Yes my dear, we are all pretty much hyped up for some great NB and Brava results this year! Everybody here is so pysched! It's great having you back among us! WE ARE FAMILY!! HAPPY NEW YEAR, Luv!!


Yay Waxy babe xxxoooxxx your back !!!!! hope you had an awesome time ! Im noogling again and no lumps lol.... thank goodness !!! were all in kick the flab, iron the wrinkles and bring on the boobage love jolly Jelly....


There is something rather therapeutic about taking pictures. In this case I am referring to the super secret stash of boob pics I have hidden in my computer hard drive. The ones that I will delete with my last dying breath and I will destroy the hard drive in order that the world not see them.

I am a leeetle bit shy and repressed about the whole 'naked' pictures of me thing. Even the 'she is not naked because she is wearing a bra' thing is too much for me. Basically any picture of me where you can see the dimensions of my breasts is mortifying to me. Did I say I was repressed... ah yes, I see I mentioned that.

But the pics do exist and I am glad they do because at times when I feel that progress is slow I can just compare my first pics to my current ones. I did that this weekend. My first picture was taken after I had already grown an inch - and thank God because they were pitifully small even though they had already grown. I have them in a format where I can compare front, side, oblique left, oblique right... it is all very scientifically laid out. My secret mad scientist experiment (Its ALIVE... ALIVE... muahaha haaaaa!).

So, anyhooo.... I was just posting this because I think that even if a person chooses not to share them, taking pictures is a worthy endeavor. They show better that many ways how much has been achieved. I wish I could say the ones I took a few months ago were a lot different than the ones I just took, but that is not so much the case. But this does not discourage me because the first ones I took were in 2006 - so if I compare what I have now to what I will have in 2010 or 2011 - yowza (anticipatory excitement over future boobs... lol)



Stats update:

I have just finished two weeks without Noogleberry... sigh. I had to take a break because I developed a painful lump in my left breast. I have had these fibrocystic areas before, so I knew what it was, but it still was annoying.

Fibrycystic breasts are one of the many thrilling symptoms of estrogen dominance. Prior to starting Noogleberry I had successfully wrestled my estrogen dominance to the mat and was experiencing little if any symptom. I blame the goat's rue. I had high hopes for it when I began it this time. It was supposed to increase my boobs, lower my body fat and protect me from snake bite. It did not seem to effect my boobage except for that painful lump. I still am full of fat and thank God I didn't get any snake bites to test out its third supposed benefit.

Goodbye goat's rue.

For those 2 weeks I also stopped taking Fennel, but I have gone back to it due to some low estrogen symptoms (night sweats). I am one of those luck people who not only have estrogen dominance which means I have low progesterone, I also have low estrogen. Try balancing on that see-saw... lol.

So... No more herbal routines for me. It's Noogleberry alone from now on.

Here are my current stats since I have had 2 weeks of no Noogling.

Above Breasts : 34.25
At Nipple : 35
Right Breast : 8
Left Breast : 8.5
Below Breasts : 29

Some change but not too bad. Since the below breast measurement changed as well, the other measurements are not as extreme a change as they seem. The only real measurement I count is across each breast separately. Just a quarter inch on change from my last measurement after 2 weeks off.

I definitely got lazy during my hiatus. I used to wake up and couldn't wait to Noogle and I didn't want to go to bed until after I Noogled. Now I am just -ho humm... I think in part this is just feeling a little bummed from the whole fibrocystic thing and having to go back to treating the estrogen dominance.

But, no matter what - here I go... strapping on the Noogles as we speak (okay, so nobody is talking and it really is impossible to put them on and type exactly at the same time... but you get the idea...)



I am sorry to hear about your estrogen dominance....I have the same lumpy tissue as you. It can be a real pain in the A**!!! I didn't realize that Goat's Rue would give that extreme change in estrogen. I hope it doesn't take you long to get it back under control, and I will keep you in my prayers. When I took Fennel, everyone kept telling me I smelled like maple syrup!!! It got really annoying so I stopped taking it.


New Member
Waxingmoon, your hormones being out of wack is not something you have to put up with.

There are heaps of natural ways to sort this problem out.

One proven method is using the herb Maca which you can get at the health food store in capsule or powder form.

It will even it all your hormones out just the way your body needs them.


Hi Dixieland and Knockers,

I have been treating my estrogen dominance since 2006. It took a lot of research and trial and error until I got it under control using progesterone cream, vitex and a lot of things to reduce estrogen levels. Then I would try some herbal thing for breast growth and wham... right back into the symptoms again.

Here is a list of things I tried thinking that they would not elevate my estrogen levels:

Fenugreek - this is a steroidal saponin which is a precursor state to various hormones. With fenugreek I got acne and when I raised the dose I got intense low blood sugar symptoms, so I stopped. I have no idea what it would have done to estrogen levels if I continued.

Maca - there is very little research information regarding maca. As best I can fathom it is also a steroidal saponin because it is a precursor to several hormones. Within 1 month of taking maca my buttocks grew enormously. I was taking around 5000mg a day which I realize now is a huge amount, but back then I was clueless on the whole 'less is more' idea of dosage. I stopped for quite a while and then since I had about half a bag left over I took a much smaller dosage during certain times of my cycle. It seemed to increase my estrogen levels and it has left a lasting impression on my backside. (I went from a mere 36 inches to a 40 incher which has valiantly defied my attempts at reduction) I will say this for maca - it did seem to help me with muscle building - but the increase of estrogen and butt cushion was too much for me... lol.

Bovine ovary - I did this for about 3 months. I was lured into thinking that bovine ovary was primarily progesterone. This was do to misleading advertising on the Bountiful Breast website. It is not progesterone it is estrogen.

Fennel - this is a low dosage phytoestrogen and as such can actually lower estrogen levels if taken in large enough amounts. I currently use it in small doses to help support my estrogen when I get low estrogen symptoms (primarily night sweats).

Goat's rue - this is a galactogouge like Fenugreek. I am not sure if it is a steroidal saponin or not. I liked it the first time I took it - not for breast enlargement, but because since it interferes with carbohydrate absorption it helped me lose a little weight. It did not have that effect the second time I took it, but I did not take it with as much dosage as the first time. I would still be taking it if this breast cyst had not appeared. Apparently it has some effect on my estrogen level.

The only thing I have tried solely to increase my breast size that has not effected my estrogen dominance negatively is Noogleberry.

It will probably take me a few months using progesterone cream, crushed flaxseed, fennel and other means to stop all the estrogen dominance symptoms, but I have been here before and done it successfully - so no worries there. I am just happy that I can use the Noogleberry and grow boobs to my hearts content without creating hormone imbalance.

Best wishes,


Hey waxingmoon! good to see you back among us! I too had lumpy painful breasts before using Brava and NB..that has all gone away..I do not take any other herbs, except for Avons bust cream which has some hops in it..NO MORE LUMPS or pain!! I do think you want to get off of some of those herbs!! JUst NB away!! It helps with the lumpiness, for sure!!


Yes, I know that you have dealt with all of this before, I think I met you over on Eve's forum first, but I don't have time to go over there much these days, just here amongst my NB friends. ;D

I have taken most of your list over the last 4-5 years, plus I used Wild Yam, and a few others that also didn't work. So Maca might give me more of a back side?!?!?!? 8) Where do you get that and what doses were you taking and last question, how much does it cost? I don't want to gain weight all over, just in the tushy...hehehe Although, with my luck it will cause me to gain weight everywhere! Like some of the herbs did. Some of them messed with my IBS really bad, so I stopped taking them. I have never taken Goat's Rue or Bovine Ovary though. I read up on the Bovine Ovary at one time, but it didn't sound like it was for me, too many side effects.
Hoping you get it under control really fast! ;)


Dixiegirl! Maca may keep you out of pencil skirts, from what I gather!! research! waxingmoon can give wonderful advice here!!


New Member
Wow, I've been taking the recommended dose of Maca for a month or two and my butt's been getting smaller not bigger!


Waxingmoon, I'm so sorry to hear about you estrogen dominance flaring up again!! At least you beat this monster before, and you know exactly what to do to wrestle it back down again. You have a great knowledge and experience, with regards to NBE - thanks for sharing your journey!! Hope you get better real soon


Then I don't want to take Maca :eek: ...I like the attention ;) from a certain special gentleman when I wear my pencil skirts...hehehe! ;D ;D ;D


Hello Waxingmoon,

Hope you feel all right soon and thanks for sharing your stories. They are very helpful for people like me who has absolutely NO experience on herbs.

Take care and Have a nice Noogling day ! :D


Well, as I see from my last post date it has been almost a month...

I really have not done much pumping during this time -at most once every 3 days or so.

It was sort of like the wind went out of my sails. I just was not into it any more. Finding that painful fibrocyst sort of brought me out of the breast quest. I would like to say I have been doing a lot of reflection over the whole 'ideal breast' search - but really I haven't. I just stopped doing anything to enhance my breast size.

Yeah, yeah, I still took my fennel most days and I still slathered on my lavender oil for some light massage to the pups. But there wasn't any conscious - I must increase my bust - kind of chatter going on when I was doing it.

I can't say I was really even depressed or even fed up - I was just .... absent from all the breast craze that has driven me since 2006. I even stopped looking at the forums mostly - just a glance at the topics, but no real interest to open them up.

So - why am I back? I don't know that either... lol. I just came back because I would like to keep what I have gained while I re-condition my body. I have been mouthing off about 'losing weight and body fat' - but only doing it half heartedly. To tell the truth it was really fun becoming plump. I have never been plump before. I have always been thin and then for the last couple of decades I have been thin with muscles. Being plump was going where I had never been before. And I must say - I didn't even get into a 'fat' category. I just reached the max weight on those weight/height scales and my body fat increased to about 25% - up from 18%. PLUMP.

But, plump is not where I feel the healthiest. Plump for me also meant I was not as strong as I need to be. I need to be strong and lean to be healthy and I need to look strong and lean in the profession I am in. When you counsel others about health, nutrition and exercise you are far more believable when you don't jiggle too much... lol.

But of course what everyone wants to know is did I lose any gains from Noogleberry while I was on this long hiatus. YUP. I think I am starting about where I began Noogleberry - a small B cup. My B bras still fit just fine - maybe a touch looser. However, the shape of my breast at the top has definitely remained more enhanced from the Noogleing. I refuse to measure myself right now. That tape is going to stay in its rolled up shape for as long as I can avoid it.

I am tired of using that tape to decide how I am doing. Tape measures cannot give a 3D view of the body. I can look with my eyes and feel with my hands and notice how much I fit the clothes that I wear. That should be enough.

So anyway (blah, blah, blah... lol)... I am back amongst the Noogle active. Once per day so far. About an hour a day so far. I know the process works so I am not measuring. I just Noogle like I brush my teeth... Maybe someday I will snap out of the 'duldrums'.



He Waxingmoon,
so glad you're back. How beautifull you put your quest/journey/thoughts down for us. You are a strong woman! And you'll probably be vavooming the boobs within no time.

Love, Jackie


Glad you are back, ;D and hope you get back into the swing of things ;) and get out of the duldrums although, I hear you about the duldrums!!! :'( I can't seem to get rid of this forever hickey on both breasts.....so I haven't noogled for awhile now...slowly losing what I had gained, but it is almost spring here and I want to be able to wear my cute tops and I can't do that with this ugly hickey peeking/jumping out!
Hugs and :-*


Hi Waxing,

It's good to hear from you, and I think you have a great attitude. There are a lot of different aspects to feeling good about our bodies, and really it all boils down to what feels most important at any given time. Good luck with whatever path you follow!



It is now day 2 of my restart with the Noogle.

I am pumping once a day so far for about 45 minutes. Not making any projections about how much and how often I will do it.

It has been a much needed break just to peacefully be what I am instead of working to be different. 2 years is a long time to go doing boob enhancing things without a 'vacation'.

I also am not measuring right now. Still wearing my B cups.

We shall see,