What am i doing wrong?


New Member
So I've been noogling for nearly about 2 months (I know it might seem short for some people)
Currently, I am taking evening primrose oil daily and drinking alot of water as it is recommended. But seeing other people's forum, 2 months; there should be at least a little change?
What am I missing out?

Step1: I message and put cream on
Step 2: I pump my breast for about 30minutes - 1hour daily
Step 3: I take it out and do a few chest exercise

After pumping my breast does look bigger but when the swallow is gone the size seems to return normal


New Member
If you can see swelling after you pump then you are doing just fine. The swelling doesn't last (be permanent) for most people for quite a while. The fact that you are swelling means you are growing it will just take a while for the swelling to make permanent growth. Your breasts will return to normal size until the growth becomes permanent. Stick with it!

Also make sure you are measuring each month. Our eyes can trick us but the tape measure doesn't lie. I didn't think I was really growing when I first started but measuring and seeing that half inch each month encouraged me that I really was growing little by little.


New Member
Try using a heating pad on your breasts before and after noogling. Also take photos at least monthly and look at them side by side. Sometimes you don't think they are growing but they are. I take photos in my bras as well to see my progress of how much j am filling the cups