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  1. F

    AspiringApple's Journey [Start Date: 01/29/2019]

    Hello everyone! I've been a member of Noogleberry for almost 5 years and loving the results on this forum. I decided that this would be the year that I commit to pumping daily! I'm excited to share my journey with you all! Quick Facts: 23, Chinese Boobs: TINY Fitness Level: Intermediate...
  2. F

    Questions About he Details of 7/2 Method, 20/20/20, Pump & Release

    Hello! I've been on this forum for a while but for some reason, I still don't understand the 7/2 Method, etc.. From what I have read, is it when I initially pump to a comfortable pressure then just wait 7 minutes, then rest for 2 minutes? Also, can someone explain the pump & release method...