At My Wit's End



It seems like every time things start going well, something has to go wrong and set me back to the beginning. Since my ordeal with the hives, I have been pumping with the utmost gentleness as my skin was feeling rather delicate and I am down to a single cup. Basically, I have been using only just barely enough suction to keep the cup on. Any less and the cup would literally just fall off. I am not even able to get swelling like this. I just do it so that hopefully my boobs will "remember" what they need to do in prep for getting my replacement cup and returning to full time pumping. So there is no way on God's green Earth that I have been overpumping, yet my cup has begun to crack! Seriously, this is the 4th freaking one. I have come so far that I cannot imagine quitting, but I also can't afford to keep replacing these things. I have one on the way, but I can't see that one lasting any longer than this one did. Lucy says the stronger cups will be here in a few MONTHS, but that would mean not only quitting now and calling all the effort I have put in a waste, but it'll also be smack in the middle of summer when I won't be able to conceal the hideous dots. *Sigh* I just don't know what to do anymore.


Boy, i think you should certainly not give up hope!! Maybe try other venues..for example, I believe that there is a electric machine thats sells domes or could maybe order something from them to try until our new cups from Lucy are available..don't despair!!


I've looked at every system I could find and none of them have anything larger than the NB large cups which I am too stretchy to benefit from. Well, I did find one place that sells cylinders, but they cost almost as much as Brava domes and there's no assurance that they'd be any stronger even if I could afford to pay that again.


Have you searched on E-bay for maybe a pair of domes? It is worth a try...


I've already been through a pair of Brava domes. Their largest size is too small to deal with my stretchy breast syndrome =(


Hi, I haven't posted here before but have seen you over on Eve's forum :)
BB has XL cups which are considerably bigger than the NB L (I know because I have both). You need to be at least 29-30 underbust to keep them both on though probably. They seem pretty strong, but I didn't use them for long. I think they cost me about $60. Actually I am going to sell mine since I only used them a few times and I'm going to try Brava. Anyway I wonder if they would suit you. They work fine with the NB pump.


Hey molehills, good to see you. Yes, I've seen Louise say repeatedly that they are "much" larger than the NB large, but according to the stats on the site (13cm base 12cm to 14.5cm height), even at the highest point (they taper right?) they are less than an inch taller and the same base as the NB Large. Is that true or are the stats posted incorrectly? Also, if you can, I'd really appreciate a side by side pic of the NB large and the BB XL. Hard to tell from their pics exactly what size it is since the only basis for comparison is their other domes which I have never seen personally.


ok, I will try to take a picture for you, check back later...
Quickly measuring I noticed the BB cup is slightly oval because it is curved, inside diameter is 13.5 cm one way and maybe 14 cm the other. The inside diam of the NB cup I have is actually 12 cm, and height around 11 which doesn't fit any dimensions on the website (?) Could it be a medium though I ordered large? Maybe that's the explanation. If it helps, the number 3 on the inches scale is 3.25 cm from the airstem at the top. Is that like your large?
Anyway, I'm supposed to be working right now :p :) so to be continued...


You know, you're right! I never took detailed measurements of the cups myself because I didn't have any need, but the large NB cups do have an internal diameter of 12 cm. I'm guessing Lucy does her measurements from further out since the important part would be letting people know if they can fit them on their chest. For me, however, the actual "usable" space is the key. So you measured the diameter of the BB cup (thanks), but is the height according to your measurement the 14.5 cm they claim? It's beginning to sound like they *might* be an option for me afterall. Won't just run off half cocked and buy them without more detail, but if they do turn out to be a viable option, I'd be interested in buying yours. Thanks for all your help and sorry for keeping you from your work ;)


Hi! Okay, I took pics of the domes, not sure how to put them in but I will try attaching them!

I measured inside the bb dome and at its deepest it is 14.5 BUT there is a little plastic plug inside the tip (maybe to take some of the strain like a keystone?) that effectively reduces the depth by almost 1 cm. So really, only 13.5 or so before you would be touching that plug I think. They still look a lot bigger to me visually somehow.

Please don't feel in any way obliged to offer to buy mine! I would totally understand if you wanted to buy completely new ones. I was just going to put mine on ebay for $50 with free shipping to the US and see what happened. But that's still more than NB's obviously. I'll be selling my NB L's too which I only used once.

As a side note the website for BB doesn't have nearly as good customer service as Lucy's!! Their guarantee doesn't cover the domes if you read the small print! So I guess as they say "size isn't everything" ;D


It looks bigger to me, but it is tapered more than the NB. So I don't know if it would give more room on the inside. Although, I like the way it is molded at the base...does it conform better to the body?


hi, yes, I found the curved base made it conform well to your have to get it on in just the right position to align the curve with your body of course. Maybe the NB's got a seal faster at first since you don't have to account for that (but like I said I didn't use either of them long enough to get experienced).


The other ones probably wouldn't work for me, the shape seems to have to conform to the body exactly or you wouldn't get a good seal. I am very tiny, so those look like monsters and probably wouldn't fit on my tiny chest. Plus the fact that you can't suction all the way to the end, because of that thing sticking into the dome instead of out of it. I love my NB, I will stick with it, if Lucy comes up with new ones that are shaped that way, I would be willing to give them a try, because I already know that her products work for me.


yes you definitely have to go with what works for you! Everyone's body is so different. Those XL cups wouldn't work for anyone who didn't have a pretty wide ribcage. I'm about 29.5. What I did was get a cheap huge (36D) bra and put the cups inside to help keep them on while pumping and got a seal that way but it would have been harder without that for sure.
All the best in the boobie quest!


Thanks so much Molehills! Really wish I'd had all of this info on those cups months ago. I would have likely gone with those instead of the Brava domes to tide me over til NB finished their XLs. Believe me, I dread the thought of having to go elsewhere as I adore Lucy and all the has done for me. However, I can't keep allegiances at the expense of my own personal growth and I know she understands that. On the brighter side, my bf had an amazing idea last night that *might* allow me to use my cracked cups at least for a while. Am testing it out right now and will share the results if successful. If it works, then I will be able to hold out for the new stronger NB XLs. *Crosses her fingers as she pumps*


Did your bf's idea work? I hope so, for your sake!


Awww, thanks for inquiring Dixie. I appreciate your concern =) And yesssss, it worked amazingly! I just haven't had a lot of time to post lately.

So, the product he thought of is called PlastiDip and it's used to put a rubber coating over things, like the handles of tools. Since the problem that I was having with the cracks is that, sure, I could glue the large cracks, but from there a spiderweb of tiny cracks begins spreading all along the base of the cup making it impossible to seal them all. So we picked up a can of the dip ($10 at the local hardware store) and dipped the entire rim in the stuff. This created an air tight seal over the whole rim and stopped all the leaks! It's perfect and has completely set my mind at ease. I've been using my newest cracked cup and one of my older, seemingly lost cause cups all week without incident. Actually, the new cup I ordered is still in its wrapping. I figure I'll hold onto it just in case I get a large enough crack that I can't repair it.

Also got the new pump with a gauge, which I must say is awesome! It's so nice to know exactly what's going on inside the cup and keep a steady pressure. It also reassures me that I have never over-pumped as even on my heaviest sessions, I've never made it outside the green section. So all is well, except of course the hideous red dots. If we can just solve that, life will be perfect. lol


That's AWESOME!!!! I'm glad it worked. Is that the stuff that someone else used to make "cushioning" on the rims of their cups?


Good work booBoo!! your BF is a peach!! tell him he gets our kudos!!