Breast acne?


New Member
I have only been noogling for a few days now, and today I woke up with weird little bumps all over and around my breasts, especially between them. It looks like acne, but I think it could also be a reaction from the lotion I use, and the air is very hot and humid right now. My skin is VERY sensitive to anything, so I don't think its from my NB because some of the bumps on my skin are no where near where I place the cups on my breasts. Anyways, I'm just wondering if anyone here has had a similiar kind of reaction after noogling. Thanks ;)


New Member
Well, it turned out to be an alergic reaction and my betaderm cream 1% cleared it up pretty quickly! I hate my sensitive skin :p


New Member
what lotion are you using?? there are a lot of hypoallergenic lotions out there now... i too have sensitive skin... im allergic to too scenty stuffs... try using garnier hydraloc, its hypo allergenic without the greasy feeling.... nivea is also good for sensitive skin... try avoiding those that are too scented... or if you need something more lubricated... try a baaby oil by johnsons and johnsons... unfortunately that is too greasy but it keeps the domes easier... hope it helps.. ;)


New Member
yes it might be lotion
mine was because of the olive oil

now i switched to bio oil. more skin friendly


New Member
I was breaking out on my chest, too. I just started cleaning my domes with alcohol wipes and washing my chest when I was my face and with the same products. I think it was all the lotion in general.


When I noogle, call me Tank Girl!
I've been breaking out too. I use Palmer's cocoa butter on my breasts when noogling and I guess it's clogging up my skin. :D I'll have to switch to something more breathable for my skin.