Breast Massage


New Member
Well.. What I can tell you, is that I'm a CMT by profession - Certified Massage Therapist. We do lymph drainage and do alot of work with Pectorial muscles, ect. What I witnessed in that video was very... miniscule compaired to how I was taught to free up the lymph drainages, unfortunately alot of the techniques she used also do not work for smaller breasted women who "Don't have anything to lift towards their armpits"
Just remember when you do use massage of any kind, drink ALOT of water. You are freeing up toxins that are stored there, and you will need repleshment.. even if it's a 5 minute massage, down a glass of water. You wouldn't BELIEVE how different you feel. :)
Let me know if you'd like me to forward you some links to other videos i've found that better explain pectorial message and working with breast tissue.



New Member
I would be interested in some links. I don't really see how massage will increase bust size if you are pushing the fluid out of them. I'm so willing to try it, the correct way though.


New Member
Delicioussatire I would also like to see some videos. I'm going to remember the thing you said about water btw and add it to my routine :)