breast size after pumping

  • Thread starter boobygreedmonster
  • Start date


What is your bra size after topping out the medium domes. Also, specify if you use foam rings as that adds 2cm. What is your bra size ten hours after you top out the domes? I have only topped out the small domes but now that I have my foam rings things are going to change ;D
I'm a 34B aspiring to be a 34/36C.


Hi there,

I was around B when I stepped out the medium cups :D.

Currently on XL cups with D size bra.

Oh, I don't use any foam rings.



Hi Boobygreedmonster!

At the moment I'm using the Extra large cups and straight after noogling I am spilling out of 36B bras so am probably a very small C. A few hours later I go back to completely filling out a 36B which I am pleased with as I've only just been noogling for a month and a week. I aim to be a large C/ small D by the end of the year.

Your'e lucky, I went straight to the large as I have a wide rib cage and wide (but small) boobs so I never even used the small or medium cups (think I'll try ebaying them as they went straight back in the box) but I'm still a large B/ v small C after pumping so go figure! I don't use the rings, I use Blu tac as this means I can walk around and move about exactly as I do without the cups so can get a lot more done - I can even brush my teeth, do my make up and put my tights and shoes on in the morning etc when I get ready and it's much more comfortable and you don't lose suction. x x x x


what is the blue tac and how do you use this. I would love to be able to do tasks with the NB on.

Kulzu - you have had great results. I have great swelling but it doesn't last more than an hr. Any suggestions on improving this?


Hi goldfish,

I think you need to search more in the forum as there have been some discussion concerning blue tac.

How long have you been pumping ? What is your routine with the system ?
I pumped half an hour everyday for more than a year (of course, I missed some days due to travelling or other reasons). The swelling will last over time and become the growth eventually. Now I am using it already over two years. I don't pump everyday and could remain the growth. I know it takes time but I am sure you will get there.

Take care,


Hi goldfish

Mummabear suggested this method and it really is so much more comfortable than just using the domes on their own. Cut strips of Blu-Tac and put them just around the rims, making sure there aren't any overlaps and it is as flat as possible so you get proper suction and there's no room for the air to escape.

Other options are the yoga mat idea or the foam rings. It's all on the forum if you search it and there are step by step instructions about how to put it together etc... (I don't know because I gave up on it after I cut up the wrong type of yoga mat!)

I do pretty much everything I do without the domes with them on. Lifting your arms up high can be a bit uncomfortable and things are a bit limited obviously but it's good that you can carry on doing things you would normally be doing at the same time as noogling.

Since my last post, I keep a lot more of the swelling which just shows that you end up keeping more and more of the swelling each month!

x x x x


Re: breast size after pumping and blu tac

Rachiex and Kultzu - thank you for the information. I'm not sure what blu tac is - is it an adhesive, can this be purchased at a drug store.

My routine is 30 - 45 min per day but some weeks I'm not able to do it daily. Typically pump up as much as possible and leave the suction - recently started doing the release and pump up again. I stopped nursing about 1 year. Wondering if this may be affecting my results. I recently saw you must wait at least 6 months after you stop nursing to use NB. Not quite sure I waited that long.

thank you both for your assistance


New Member
Goldfish, the reason to wait 6 months after breastfeeding is because of the suction it could cause your milk production to start up again. If you aren't having any problems with that I wouldn't worry about it. It's also best to wait 6 months after breastfeeding to start up any type of NBE for the same reason, including herbs, because they can start your milk production again. Wet nurses (yes there still are some today) take herbs after breastfeeding their own children and they pump to keep up their milk supply. But if you are completely dried out, not having any leakage, then you're fine. I waited a year after nursing my son before I started anything for BE, and I was fine, haven't had any leakage or anything.


Hi Goldfish

Blu Tac is the stuff you use to put up posters etc - not sure what it's called in America (if that's where you live). I get mine from the supermarket or just any shop really - I buy about 10 packs a time because it takes about 3 packets for both domes. They must think I'm a little obsessed with it where I live!

Let us know how you are going and which method your'e using. I do the pump and hold method but different people use different methods both with success.

x x x x