buying the noogleberry


New Member
hi i want to buy the noogleberry but i dont know wat size domes to use also if you dont use it will breast go back to orginal size


New Member
What size bra do you wear? You need to state your band size (where the bra underwire goes) and your bust size (across nipples). I'm a 32AA and I started with the mediums.

When you use the noogleberry, after a while you retain the swelling that you get from pumping. This is temporary and goes away after so many hours. With continued use everyday, your breasts start to grow tissue. So, if you use it long enough, you will have permanent growth which sticks around when you stop pumping. But you have to be consistent, use everyday and remember you might not see any real growth for months.


New Member
you should try emailing lucy(
she told me my size i think shes a great help and would answer all you quesitons.