Cross Dresses


New Member
hi all,

some pics I took last week just after my NB arrived.

Yes I'm taking saw palmetto, fenugreek and another supplement, and yes it was right after noogling, and yes it was a great fitting bra, corset and ideal photographic conditions.... but *still* I was never able to get pics like that before the NB.

Now if they could stay like that I would be a very, very happy bunny indeed!



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Lisa Moon
Yes i agree with Lily they look Amazing, great shape to them , i found a pump a day keeps the flat away lol, you wil get fantastic results nflux ,Happy Pumping


New Member
umm I'm not sure specifically but I've got the large contoured cups and tend to start with them as centrally placed as they'll go (with lotion, seen from above nipples would be tending to be towards the lower edge of each cup and the outside edge of my body i.e. (. )( .) before I start pumping

As I pump, thanks to the lotion the cups seem to find their own place and there's not really much I can do about their placement as the suction builds, but even then my nipples tend to be looking down and out in the cups. That could be to do with having a male ribcage though.

As for pumping I start off gently, just until it's no longer comfortable and then back off a little till it is comfy, and then gradually increase suction over the course of an hour or two, occasionally backing off and re-pumping and topping up lotion. I'd read that massage can be an effective technique on its own so I figured a bit of pump-and-release would largely mimic the effects of massage.

What's interesting is that recently I noticed that doing a session and then following up a couple of hours later with another session (i.e. before volume had subsided) seemed to have a cumulative effect and the results seemed to last longer too. I've actually noticed now that I'm holding some volume into the next day if I last pump before going to sleep. I work from home mostly on a laptop so I get quite a lot of opportunity to pump.

It's worth noting that bra is very flattering too - it was originally a sort-of peep-hole not-quite-even-a-balconette style thing donated by my gf where each cup was two halves which were joined with a bow in the middle (i.e. two not-quite-quarter cups effectively). I got the impression nipples were intended to be showing with it as per its original function. I removed the bow and sewed up the edges so the cups are now one-piece and it seems to have *just* the right shape for me although by now thanks to recent noogling my nips don't quite tuck into the cups anymore after pumping \o/

I'm also corset training and I think the corset might also make sure there's optimum amounts of volume to fill the bra...even so, before the noogleberry I wasn't able to get pics like *all*. And the feeling is just amazing. I very much liked my f-cup silicone forms but they're untouched since getting the NB.

I think on one of the other threads ("amazing results" by sunsetz) she mentioned drinking a lot of water and also having a day's break from noogling now and then, both of which I also do, along with 320mg saw palmetto twice daily, massage with lotion+fenugreek seed tincture and further fenugreek tincture applied over arms and legs so it absorbs straight through the skin, thereby hopefully skipping the supposed 80-90% filtration by my liver as it would be if swallowed.

I hope that helps - Happy noogling :)


Vivian B
Hello every one, it's been a long time from my last post. sorry about that, I am finding it harder to get the time to do my noogleberrying. i am finding that you really need to put in the time to get the results out of this programme. here are a couple of photos of my latest 4hr noogleberrying, I have not made that great a progress from the day I started. never mind my life has taking off in a different directions this year as I have moved to a new job that I really love, maybe this is part of the reason I have not been on here very much. I also have a picture of me dressed up to go to the Rocky horror picture show that I went to last year in town, I really enjoyed myself that night! any way thats a enough of me going on for now. I have had a good look at some of the other posts on here and there are some very good progress been made :) keep up the good work you lot, and I will see how I go.
Love Vivian.


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Vivian B
Hello all, I just thought I would have another go at getting my picture on here. Well I finally worked it out. I was trying to put a picture that was to big. like over 20kb and when I made it smaller it work. so there you go you can now see who I really are. Thanks for your support and keep up the good work.
Love Vivian ;D

Teeny Tiny

It's nice to finally get to see the real you! ;)

Just thought I'd pop in and mention that looking at your pics the second one looks like you may be over pumping, which can be part of the reason you haven't had much progress. Over pumping as I'm sure you've probably read on here multiple times can cause tissue damage and reduction instead of increasing the size. Forgive me if I may be misspeaking, but I just hate to see you hurt yourself and cause permanent damage. You might want to try using a bit less pressure and see if they respond better. Mine went on strike in the beginning because I was pumping with too much pressure for too many hours a day and shrunk and got saggy on me until I backed off on amount of pressure and time, then they started growing. With any luck yours will do the same for you. Remember, you only have one pair, be good to them and don't make them mad so they don't go on strike. ;)

Hope you don't mind the bit of advice, and it's lovely to be able to see the real you! Congrats on getting your picture up, and good luck with you growth.

Happy noogling! :-*


New Member
Hi Vivian!

My real name is also Vivien, after the ever so gorgeous Vivien Leigh! :) Unfortunately I didn't inherit her breath-taking beauty, but I've always loved the name :)

Thank you for your nice comments on my board :) I agree with Not so Teeny Tiny, you definitely look like you are overpumping in the second pic, as I can tell from the discoloration. I experienced this a lot while I was starting out, but remember, slow and steady wins the race! You might not see much swelling or that you are totally filling up the cups, but the main emphasis is rather just for the cells to feel the pressure, than the amount of swelling you get. Try to pump in front of a mirror to check the color of your breasts, and do pump and release instead of pump and hold or do the 20/20/20(20 min pump and release, 20 min pump and hold, 20 min pump and release, supposedly this also gets better swelling for most people who try it) method to make sure that you avoid overpumping and to have less noticeable ring marks.

I agree that you look lovely, good luck on your journey and keep us updated! :)


New Member
Hi every one, I am new to this site. I also am a crossdresser that wants to increase the size on my breasts. I have been using Fenugreek powder mixed with hand cream for almost a year. I have noticed a little bit increase in size. I just started using saw palmento , mixing it with the fenugreek and rubbing it on twice a day and massageing when ever I get the chance. I am very interested in the Noggleberry pump system and would like to get one someday. I enjoy hearing about other like me whom want to have breasts. Right now I can wear an "A" cup bra and fill it out pretty well. I really love having real breasts, I can't keep my hands off them!!!



Vivian B
Thank you all for your replies, yes I think I am over doing it as well now. I will back of and let you know how I get on.
I don't have much time at the moment to get on here so it might be a while before I reply again.
Love Vivian :)


Hi CD's, do you like to wear a bra ? I don't; only wear womens sports crop tops for the look. Having read some medical/health/well-being forum, some women do not wear any and say it is very comfortable. Their advice is to wear nothing on small to medium chests, then larger ones only need a crop top with builtin soft bra to reduce bouncing during high impact sports. There have been medical studies of athletic women who stopped wearing a bra, felt some temporary discomfort before their body built better support, then external support became redundant.


New Member
Hi, have been Noogleberrying for about 2 months, do not have any before pics. These are after about a 3 hour session, they measure 41 inches with 36 inches around the ribcage. I started out with medium cups and was soon filling them. Now I fill the med cups in 30 minutes. Then I move up to large contoured cups. I takes about 3 hours to fill the cups to about 1/2.


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Vivian B
Hello Bill, you are making really good progress with your boobies. they are starting to look great. I have not being doing this much lately. I've being to busy with work and life in general.
Love vivian


New Member
I meant to post these pics ages ago but never got around to it....these are some more updates from my noogling exploits.

It should be noted that at this point a fair part of my income comes from camming and I frequently get complimented on my boobs and also regularly get questions like "when did you have your boobs done?" and "silicone or hormones?", both of which make me chuckle every time ;)

I noogle a lot but it's become an important part of my life - am loving what the NB lets me do ;)

These are all pics I took for my site with only minimal photoshop to remove some ring markings and do a bit of colour correction.

I started off back in may 11 as flat (typical guy chest) and now if I don't pump for a day or two I wake up filling my b-cup "sleep-bra" (34B). When fully pumped I fill a 36 D bra convincingly or can be spilling out of my 34B la senza gel-bras.

It's amazing how big boobs you can have as a guy and nobody says a thing....quite incredible. Gotta love england and a "nobody say anything" culture.



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Lisa Moon
Hi Influx you look amazing love the shape of your breasts you look fantastic, and i have to agree with you about the feeling of a male with breasts love it myself , i have been out with a singlet top no bra and its funny to see the reactions of some people you meet at the supermarket some women smile at you,, some look at you as if to say wish i could do that again , lol, but the men make me laugh some just look in amazement and others seem to like the idea of male breasts as they jiggle when you walk , i have been growing my girls for around 3 years on and off have been using PM for 2 years on and off had some growth and tingleing in my nipples but it was when i got my noggleberry i had lots of swelling and nipples got a lot more plump and pointy which i love, would love to post some of my results if only i can remember how i did it i have tried a few ways but to no avail, oh well have to keep trying,, love the corsets too,,


When I noogle, call me Tank Girl!
Joan_CD said:
I guess I better throw my hat in here as well. I wonder how many women on this site approve of this (wearing female clothes and looking female)!

...Who cares? :p


Vivian B
Hello ever one. I'm still out here slowly making progress with my boobies! I haven't any photo to show you at the moment, but will put some up here soon. Life is very busy at the moment for me. I've changed jobs and that is keeping me busy at the moment. well keep in touch and i'll talk to you soon
Love Vivian ;)


Lisa Moon
Here is my progress from 2009 to now 2012
Have been using PM and pump also have used Estroven i think has helped a bit too.









