doctor said noogleberry wont work so dissapointed


New Member
i went to the doctor and told her i was using noogleberry and she said why would you use pump to enlarge your breasts! mean! if you wanna enlarge it thn go for implants thats the only option pump will only bring milk to the breasts and make them look bigger!
any suggestions


New Member
Well don´t worry about it, doctors would say that! And that´s simply because they don´t know anything about methods that are unrelated to their field, like a NB. It´s quite difficult to find a doctor who will want to learn about any sort of alternative medicine, so a device like a simple pump to increase the size of your boobs is like something out of another planet to them!!
The fact that he says noogling will make you produce milk just shows his ignorance, nothing more. Pumps that do increase milk production are aimed at the mammary glands, not the whole breast, and have a very different shape. On the other hand, pumping to increase the size of your breasts is a relatively new technique I think, so you won´t find much doctors who know about it yet.

I´m not saying doctors are incompetent, of course if you´re ill you should follow their advice and all, but there are things that just reach out of the scope of their expertise and that´s where you should ask those who do have the experience - like the ladies and gents on this forum who have increased their boobs noogling for example.

Also, remember that some sectors of the medical community would not want it to be known that you can increase the size of your breasts with a simple pump, it´s more lucrative for them if women go to them to get implants. There are all sorts of economic interests even in medicine (of course they´re not all like that, you will find brava endorsed by a doctor if you look up their infomercial in youtube).
So don´t worry!!


New Member
i agree with Amelie, it there is no money in for doctor's they will say it does not's and dollars that's it......
how many doctors do you or any one you know can name a doctor that will give you a discount.........NONE.........the only thing they want to know is; what kind of insurance do you have????????


New Member
Exactly. Doctors want your money, plain and simple. Plus, implants are proven to instantly increase your bust size. There are no real "proven" results by a team of doctors for the noogleberry. That doesn't mean it doesn't work, it just isn't proven. I personally have gained 1.25" of growth in 3 months with noogleberry. And please, look up pictures for the users Philli, kultzu, xxkeeleyketxx, Anastasia916, gina, JoanCD, Eman...the list goes on and on. If they got results (3 of those individuals being born male) then so can you!!


no milk in these teets.
the size comes and goes - so to tell you the truth i don't know where i'm at there... a month ago i'd swollen to 37.5", then I went back down to 36.5".. but i kind of knew it was too good to be true. but i'm also trying to lose weight.
anyway! there's a permanent improvement in shape.... which makes me happier than anything. i got rid of the slope i had. that was worth the money in itself.


New Member
I am not at all surprised that your doctor said this. I am sure if I mentioned this to my GP he would say 'Noogle what?'. It is not mainstream medicine and not prooven. Therefore he can't endorse it and, to be fair, how can doctors, especially those in general practise, be expected to know about every kind of alternative procedure that surfaces when they can not recommend it? They have a job to do and that it focusing on the things that they can prescribe/recommend. I am not sure that in the case of the NHS GP this is necessarily to do with money (not sure what they would stand to loose or gain either way) but more to do with it being outside their scope.

What I think is encouraging is that he did not say that it could do any harm. That being the case what have you got to loose? The Brava is 'proven' to work and so we know that the principle is sound. So, especially as you already have the equipment why not carry on?

My DD has only been Noogling for a month so far. She is not sure if they are any bigger but thinks that the shape has improved (I personally think that there must be some growth as she seems to fill her bras better now to me). She has also gone from half fillling the medium cups to very nearly filling the large ones so something is happening.

Personally, I think that with the great results that can be seen on this forum, the way forward is to keep going and try to get our own 'proof' :)


New Member
Yep, they are totally right, it's all milk, just like when I was told I could never have kids by a doctor, I never had one *eye roll* (this is tongue in cheek by the way)

Doctors PRACTICE medicine. Look at the keyword, practice. Many things they tell you or recommend are just because that's all they know or, yes, they GUESS!!! They GUESSED that my hubby had runner knee but he doesn't. They GUESSED I could never produce children yet I have a very healthy 5 year old son. Trust them on the serious stuff that they do know the answers to like if you have a cold, need a surgery, etc. But for alternative practices, like others said, MOST doctors won't have a clue about. My doctor has no clue I noogle. I made the mistake once to ask a doctor about taking fenugreek to increase my milk production while breastfeeding, you want to know what he said? "HAHA that's just an old wives tale, I don't think the herb would hurt any, but don't think it will help either, you could ask the midwife here, she might know". And he made fun of me and belitted me for even asking! A simple thing as a well known herb that is KNOWN to increase milk production in lactating, nursing women, and he mocked me for even asking. So yea, if you want to know if it really works search the forum. None of my growth is milk. I've breastfed, I know what that feels like. When my selling from pumping goes down, it's all natural boobs. No milk filled glands, no hocus pocus, actual REAL growth. Yes real growth from pumping takes time, but anything worth doing takes hard work.

Hope you don't let the implant talk get to you! Good luck.

Teeny Tiny

I am one of the extremely slooooow responders, I've been noogling 14 months and have experienced one inch of growth, but that's one inch that I didn't have before noogling. Noogling does work, but at it's own pace for everyone, as everyone is different, and I know that mine isn't from milk production. Milk pumps like you use when breast feeding are entirely different, NB isn't designed to promote milk production, it's designed to promote tissue expansion, and does so quite well I might add.

Don't let any doctor discourage you, NB can and does create breast growth for many men and women, and if it can work on a man who is not meant for milk production or to even have feminine breasts then it sure as heck can and does work for us women. Keep your chin up and keep on noogling, don't worry, doctors don't know everything, just what they specialize in. Take my condition for example (Porphyria), from what I've heard everyone studying to be a doctor learns about the condition somewhat, yet out of 6 doctors I've been to only 1 knew about and understood the condition and what its symptoms are. And you wouldn't go to an ear, nose, throat doctor to perform a hysterectomy, or a gynecologist for a sinus infection would you? See your doctors for what they are meant to do and leave the rest up to the experts in their field, like Lucy, I believe her and her husband are doctors and they sell NB. So like I said don't let what she said get you down, she just doesn't know the facts, if she did she would support it, not knock it. ;)


New Member
That reminds me, I was once diagnosed with an "imaginary pregnancy" by a doctor... it wasn´t imaginary at all but a real baby who is now a healthy and very big 9 year old! :eek:
This was supposedly a very serious and respected doctor... so don´t buy into everything they say, it´s best to inform yourself in different sources.


You're kidding amelie? Imaginary pregnancy?! Why didn't they give you a test to actually see if you were pregnant before they said that?! At least that was a mistake the doctor made that produced a happy ending!

Perhaps the doctor said that because he/she didn't know about vacuum tissue growth (or whatever it's called) or because he/she didn't want to be sued (if you're in the US or UK maybe that's the reason why!!)

Also, i read up on Brava which is the same concept of this but a different method and I'm sure there were one or two doctors in the info that said that it worked and they've proven it works and have used it on regrowing limbs etc for years.

Don't worry about what the doctor said about it- try it for yourself and in a years time when you're a little bigger, go back there, stick your chest out and say 'I told you so'!! x


New Member
Yes it was all very ridiculous! I think this doctor was some kind of amateur psychologist so that´s why he came up with this diagnosis (I don´t think imaginary pregnancies happen very often in real life?? sounds like a book thing to me). And the thing is, I had some bleeding in the beginning of that pregnancy which I mistook for my period, so according to me I was not so much time overdue and a pregnancy would not show up in a test but I had all the symptoms.
But anyway, I went to see another doctor the next day and he confirmed the pregnancy just by examining me - so that shows that I was very pregnant, haha.
Oh and actually I´m not in the US or UK so it wasn´t a suing issue, just stupidity.


New Member
thank you everyone soo much for answering my question has anyone ver since using ng got done their prolactin done? i did and it was high i dont know by how much but it was high she said
I stopped breastfeeding over a year ago. If I squueze my breasts in the right way, still a little milk comes out. I was quite worried that the noogle would make me produce more milk as had the Avent breast pump I used to pump out milk for storage when the babies were little. Let me assure you that the two pumps couldn't be more different.
The noogleberry does not in any way pull on the bit of the breast that needs to be stimulated to produce milk. Even with my crazy udders I have had absolutely NO sign of any lactation. NONE.


New Member
About "imaginary pregnancies"... I've actually had one before. My period stopped, tests showed positive at home and at the doctor. I was throwing up, emotional, started getting a tummy, etc. I didn't find out I wasn't pregnant until I went in for the ultra sound and they could find anything. So yes they do happen. Dogs can sometimes have them! They will start getting fat, their tits come out like a real pregnancy for a dog, and they go into labor! They push and push but nothing comes out. So yes they do happen, but they are rare.

With my real pregnancy where I had my son, I too bled the first 3 months of pregnancy as if I were having a light period once a month. I didn't find out I was pregnant until I went to the doctor for a checkup.


New Member

Exactly the same thing happened to a friend of mine and she did not find out until her scan either. She had started buying clothes for the baby too - she kept them in a drawer forages as she somehow could not use them for her actual babies when they came along, almost like she grieved for 'the baby that never was'.


Just wondered if you described the NB to the doctor as a breast pump? In which case he may have been imagining something like the Avent pump which is a whole different thing.
Hi, I am still coming onto this forum despite having BA 3 weeks ago. I do believe that tissue expansion works and it did for me, but not to the extent that it could fix the damage done to my originally small but perfect 34a breasts after I had implants.
I love the last picture I posted of my boobs on here, as with an underbust corset they looked even and I had gained the most natural breast tissue since I had my implants removed - unfortunately without the corset, they were still very asymetrical and the scars were different heights.

So I went ahead with implants and although I had nearly the smallest ones and the surgeon has done a wonderful job, I still look huge ( to me anyway). I also think there may be a problem that might require further surgery, but am keeping all fingers and toes crossed that it isn't the case.

My point is that if you haven't had surgery, then try anything and everything else to improve your breasts (even counselling to help you love yourself just the way you are) before you let that first scalpel any where near you. You might well find yourself signed up (and scarred) for life - take it from someone that truly knows. Good luck to all you pursuing NBE xxx


New Member
Anastasia916 said:
About "imaginary pregnancies"... I've actually had one before. My period stopped, tests showed positive at home and at the doctor. I was throwing up, emotional, started getting a tummy, etc. I didn't find out I wasn't pregnant until I went in for the ultra sound and they could find anything. So yes they do happen. Dogs can sometimes have them! They will start getting fat, their tits come out like a real pregnancy for a dog, and they go into labor! They push and push but nothing comes out. So yes they do happen, but they are rare.

With my real pregnancy where I had my son, I too bled the first 3 months of pregnancy as if I were having a light period once a month. I didn't find out I was pregnant until I went to the doctor for a checkup.

Anastasia - WOW.... that is SO crazy!!! How and why does that happen? And, if you don't mind telling, I'm wondering why you were diagnosed as not being able to have kids? Was it PCOS or something?

Teeny Tiny

Just goes to show you doctors don't always know what they're talking about, even in their own field of expertise. I was told when I was 19 that I would probably never be able to have children because of a tilted uterus, something about it being tilted supposedly makes it next to impossible for the egg to implant itself or something, well that didn't stop me from having a beautiful baby girl. The doctor that delivered her noticed it was tilted but didn't say anything about it, actually after I gave birth he told me he had noticed in the beginning that it was tilted and that after giving birth it's tilted in the opposite direction now. :D


New Member
Yup....they aren't always right. When I went to the dr. for a checkup when I was like 11, the dr. told me when I was going to start my period... Well he was wrong on his prediction.


New Member
Paloma said:
Anastasia - WOW.... that is SO crazy!!! How and why does that happen? And, if you don't mind telling, I'm wondering why you were diagnosed as not being able to have kids? Was it PCOS or something?

Nope, no PCOS. Doc said I have a narrow uterus. Said it never developed fully and that I would not be able to carry a child past 3 months of pregnancy. I had at least 2 miscarriages before my son.

And another example that doctors have no clue sometimes, and again the "practice" comes into play... when I was lil I had really bad stomach problems. I would get sick everytime I ate, no matter what it was, it would make me sick. And you tell me ONE kid that is 3-6 that will want to eat if it makes them sick??? Heck no! I wanted to go out and play! It started when I was 3 and got worse until when I was 6 I barely ate at all and was way too skinny for my age and height. I looked like one of the starving kids on the charity commercials. People always gave my mom dirty looks or would hand her money and say "bless you". So I would imagine that was embarrassing for her. Well over the 3 years I was taken to doctor to doctor. NONE of them knew what was wrong with me. It was always test after test and nothing. They even sent me to some test where they put these things on my head and tried to see if it was all in my head. Finally, one day I was home from school with a cold (I got sick more often then most kids due to malnutrition, again not my mom's fault!). She was going to her regular doctor for some shots she had to get once a month because she had a hysterectomy in her 20's and was on hormones and got them in shot form. Well she called and asked him if he would see me for my cold while she was coming in as he was general practice. He agreed so I went with her. She mentioned my stomach issues and all the tests I had done. He asked me a few questions and knew right away what it was. It's a very very rare eating disorder. It's really a disorder of chemicals in the brain being out of balance. It causes you to think that everything you eat is bad, as in you have food poisoning. So imagine everytime you eat feeling like you have food poisoning, that's how it was for me! He was about to retire too! He put me on meds that I took for 6 months and weened off that fixed my chemical imbalance. And I was on appetite pills for 2 weeks lol he recommended 2 months weening off after a month, but I was eating my mom out of house and home! So she just gave it 2 weeks. After that I was fine. The doctor said that if I didn't come to see him or find out what was wrong, I would have died from malnutrition in 6 months time! So yea, ALWAYS get MULTIPLE opinions.

I love that show on TLC I think it is, "Mystery Diagnosis" because it's cases like mine, where they have rare conditions and go to tons of doctors to finally find the right diagnosis. Interesting show if you are in the states.