does any1 know a good boob growing recipe? I'm new and want to get started!

anyone know of any good recipes?

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New Member
I'm a newbie and was just wondering if any1 has any good recipes that are or have worked for them? am thinking of fennugeek and massage plus a noogleberry? have already made a massage oil up containing ylang ylang and am currently taking breast sculpture tablets (which I think did work for a while but have now been on them over a year and think I have built up a tolerance) am desperate to get started and get some boobie growth as it really gets me down :( am willing to try anything and would appreciate anyone telling me whats worked for them. thanks


Do you already have a NB? That's gonna be step number one, for sure. Plenty of girls have had success with just pumping, while others do prefer to add other elements of NBE. I don't mess around with fenugreek or other herbs. I take supplements that aid in circulation and tissue growth such as MSM and I pump for 30 min - 1 hour every day usually. You can look at my gallery thread to see all my info and my progress, but I'm doing just fine skipping all the other stuff. Good luck!


New Member
hey there nicky, have you checked out the breast nexus forum?
Huge wealth of info on NBE and people's personal programs there. Good luck!


New Member
no havn't purchased a nb yet was goin to start on the herbs and massage and hope i get some growth 1st and then buy the nb as ive read that it works better if u have something to start with, im only a 32a :( also am gettn some moles removed from around my breast area 1st stil in the research process, was thinking of buying msm cream? how have you been gettn on with it? im willing to try anything at this stage!

thanks for suggestion oodellaly have been on there and have picked up a few recipes that seem to be working with other girls but theres so many! suppose i dont know until i try tho!


Dearie. 32A is nothing to sneeze at. You'll notice that there have been plenty of women who have started out smaller than that (there is such thing as a AAA cup, for example) and still were able to have success with NB. Look at my gallery pics -- are your breasts much smaller than my starting pics? If at all?

Honestly you will waste a lot of time and money on trying out NBE without NB. I'm not saying it can't work for people, but it takes quite a while to weed through all the various herbs and supplements to figure out what actually works for your body. And it can take a very long time to see results. (not to mention, you may experience unpleasant side effects from the herbs. Several people here can attest to that.) Depending on how you respond to it, NB can give very quick results, even if it's just temporary swelling at first, which can do wonders for your confidence and body image as you continue to see yourself progress. However, with the mole removal issue you mentioned, I do think you still should probably hold off on pumping with NB until all that heals up.

To answer your question about MSM cream, I have been using it along with pumping and I do think it has a positive affect on my swelling, however, what's more beneficial is taking MSM internally, which can really aid in growth. MSM is an organic source of sulphur which is used in the body for the formation of connective tissue, which includes tissues in the breast. So you can see how it would be a great supplement to take while using NB, which is already encouraging tissue growth by means of a process referred to as "tissue expansion." Anyway, I highly, highly doubt you will see any growth in your breasts simply from using MSM cream, when you are not pumping.

My advice is to wait until the mole removal spots heal well, and then get yourself a noogleberry! Best of luck! :)


New Member
Hey Piccolina.... could you tell me what MSM stands for please?... It sounds interesting. Also what brand of internal and external suppliments do you take? :)


Hi LA! MSM stands for Methylsulfonylmethane... LOL, really the long name isn't important because you will find the supplement pretty much only under the name "MSM." I get nearly all my supps, topicals, and other vitamins from a site called They really do have the best prices, and they do ship worldwide I believe. The brand of MSM cream I've been using is called, "At Last Naturals," but actually when I run out I plan on switching to the "Source Naturals" brand (the former has parabens in it... yuck). I actually also just bought that "Jason" wild yam cream that Eman swears by, just to see how that goes, haha. Most of my internal supps (including my MSM) are the "NSI" brand from vitacost cause it's usually the least expensive and they generally get good reviews for quality. But if you do want to get into some supplements, I would definitely recommend starting with MSM. Good luck!! :)


New Member
Thanks for all your info Piccolina! I have something new to investigate.... I am already on Maca root and natureday herbs... but looking for something particularly to aim tissue growth... do u think the cream will work on my calfs if i do exercise after or before? I want bigger calfs. Also who is Eman? lol... I looked at your gallery pics u look amazing - does your swelling stay and when it has gone do u feel you have grown any? :-


Hey no problem! :) You know, as I said, I'm not real keen on the whole herb thing, but I am actually considering going on Maca as well. Mostly because being on stupid birth control messed up my cycles, and Maca is supposed to be great for that by helping the body's hormonal balance. I figure, in case there's any sort of imbalance I have that may have been affecting my breast growth too, it would be a good idea to at least try it and see if it affects me in that way as well.

About your calves, hmm... good question! I'm no expert but my initial thought would be no, I don't think it would, because MSM affects primarily your connective tissue, which I don't believe includes muscular tissues. I could be wrong. But if I were you, I would just work out your calves and maybe try taking some protein supplements. I feel you on that one though. My skinny calves can never fill up any cute boots! lol.

So Eman is on the gallery somewhere... it's a big thread with a lot of posts, but he is a biological male who (someone correct me if I'm wrong) somewhat "dabbles" in a transgender role as a woman? I don't believe he identifies as a woman at all times. Anyway, he's amazing and loves boobies, so he grew some of his own!! And he looks fabulous! I think he actually outgrew the largest NB cups and had to rig up some of his own. Oh and thanks for the compliment!! ;D My swelling sticks around mostly for like an hour or so, and yes I can definitely tell that I've grown in the last month. I noogle at night, and every morning I swear it feels like my boobs are bigger than the last day. However, not everyone experiences this... for some people noticeable results take much more time. But if you're patient, it will work! :)


New Member
Hey Thanks Piccolina... I never saw your reply untill now! How has your noogling been going?

Definately am going to look into MSM, do you think it is safe to take with PM? :D


Lovelyoneanna amazing results NBE
Hi yes I had growth in three weeks. I was taking fengreek, saw pal dong quai, msm and much more. I will be on video to promote the boobage gain. I'm lovelyoneanna. I will see if lucy can send all noogler the link to follow.I can't seem to give responses fast enough. So I will promote all on youtube. Okayed by noogleberry, so everyone may check it out. Hopefully your reasons will be the same. Good Luck All