Does this happen to anyone?


New Member
:-\ I've noticed for me a few times it seems like after I noogle...and have a tad swelling.....the swelling will go away after a while.....then later on during the day I get some swelling back...? Does this happen to anyone else or am I daydreaming? lol.....Oh! Also, it could have been the cycle thing maybe luteal swelling...? I dunno. Just thought I'd ask and see if this happened to anyone else. :D I'm also on day 3 of my cycle and haven't noogled for a few days (was away) and have kept the very tad swelling I got. I started back up on noogling only my smaller side yesterday to get that one caught up with the other one. Then I'll noogle both sides. I hope it doesn't take a couple months...yikes.


Hi Abigail

I haven't noticed this yet but I have only been doing this for a week max. I'm on the pill so I don't know whether this would affect it? I will look out to see if this happens!