fabulous40's journey


New Member
Hi everyone!

I am still waiting for my NB to arrive (should be here next week) but I wanted to get this thread set up now for my updates. I originally wasn't sure I would share and participate- but I figured it is always a plus to perhaps have a friend gained than to go it alone!

I am mostly looking to plump what I am left with after nursing my children. I am 40yrs old and I was a perky and full 32C before children. With age and more children and continued nursing (7 yrs of continuous nursing to include nursing while pregnant and tandem nursing) my breasts have spread, sagged and deflated. That sounds worse than what they actually look like. But I know what I had before and long for that again. I am a 32D but certainly not full and only because they are wide. I would love to just fill my bras more and gain that top breast back.

I doubt I will measure, like weighing myself- the numbers don't interest me. I am looking to feel great and look great :D

I will add before pictures as soon as my NB arrives. Wish me luck!


Hi Fabulous 40 and welcome to the forum!
Another long-term nurser here; I spent the better part of a decade being pregnant and/or feeding :)
Before kiddies, I was perky too, but small. Post babies, I am still perky and still small. Oh how I wish I could go back to what they were like when the milk came in but that ain't going to happen!! I've been noogling for over 4 years and am what you'd call a slow responder, but not ready to give up just yet. Hopefully you'll get your old boobs back in no time!