
I've just been on the Eve's Breast Forum and read that NB is nothing but a sex aid to make your boobs look bigger before sex, that it could be unsafe to use it everyday and were waisting our time pumping. I'm really confused I have been using NB for about 4 weeks now and dont want to be waisting my time, I'm not expecting permenent growth but I do want to get fuller eventually, although I have noticed a small difference Im scared thats all Im gunna get.
They also suggest that people on this forum are sales people working for NB, is it true?
Please help me Im so depressed over my apperance and dont want to have breast surgery but if it doest work I will have to have it, I cant carry on looking the way I am and I thought NB was the answer.



Thanks for that I feel loads better now just got into a panic. Those girls should be careful what they are saying on that forum I'm not going to go on it anymore. I'm suffering from severe clinical depression and it only takes some small comment like what I read to really upset me. I know it isn't a personal comment but I really believe in NB and that thought of it only being a sex toy and could be harmful really upset me.
I will keep pumping



Hi littlegirlie ~

Glad I'm able to help you out ;D To be honest, I was a little disturbed when I saw what have been posted on Eve's forum... but after reading what Lucy wrote really clear things out... I don't know what the intension of those who wrote bad things about NB in Eve's forum :-\ but like Lucy said, be your own judge ;D

Take care :D




Just a two-cent thought here. What kind and How much the commission would be for the system this price ?

Sorry If I sound nasty but I am feeling tired of 'mean' people on whatever websites they are :mad:



I second what www has said littlegirlie i most definitely do not work for noogleberry and although Lucy who is just the sweetest person ever! has said that NB is not permanant i personally have kept the 0.5 " i got late last summer even though i just started up NBing again a few weeks ago.
Also after looking at brava results and the fact that they are permanant i ask why wouldn't NB be permanant. ( the same degree of swelling from 15 hours brava is achieved in one hour in my experience!)
I am hoping to commit to NB religeously and keep these boobies inflated to within an inch of their lives lol and i know that eventually i will achieve a size that i want and if i have to pump twice a week for 30 mins to maintain, then no big deal, better than posioning my body with phytoestrogens and risking thyroid problems which many over zealous members of eve's forum do and then 3 years down the line end up with their hair falling out and health probs
( No offence to peeps who take herbs but the only side effect of NB is big bouncy boobies lol)
look at the success stories like natalie69 and kultzu who have been doing it for a long time and have had great lasting results, i dont expect to keep all that i get swelling wise (41" yesterday lol) but im am SURE that i will keep some of that providing i keep pumping and allowing my breast cells to replicate. Have some faith and form your opinion from YOUR own experiences.
I tend to only browse through eve's forum from time to time as some people can be opinionated and misinformed. I would advise you to check through the NB forum search engine and look at all Kultzu and natalie, arwen etc previous posts from day 1 of pumping to present day. We are a nice bunch on the NB forum and along with Lucy we all help and support each other, now go pump!!!! ;D


Noogleberry Admin Team
Hi littlegirlie and that fact that you have had 3 replies straight away before i could even reply speaks volumes and will hopefully reassure you. As you can see from the forum, we allow people to post freely about their experience with NB , warts and all! They are ridiculous for suggesting our system is just a sex toy. As you can see from our website home page, we do not sell sex toys; only products to help achieve penile and breast enlargement and impotency treatments. We have had numerous offers from companies to sell other items related to that industry and are simply not interested even though this could be very lucrative. We dont even have any kind of advertising.

www, gave you a link showing a reply to refute them on eve and please also read this further one from me for extra reassurance: , scroll down the page when you get there.

Even though many NB users achieve excellent results and breast increase, we choose not to make any claims that we could not back up with contolled clinical trials involving thousands of people and thats why we never say the growth is permanent. Surely, you would have to wait years before being able to claim this.We would much rather let people draw there own conclusions from the what they read and see on the forum.
Im really sorry to hear about your depression and you are not alone in this either as i know from experience it can affect anyone and can be more devasting than a physical illness. Please email me off forum, if you prefer, if i can help in anyway and the last thing i want is for your NB experience to affect this.

bye for now and take care
Lucy :) :)


Hi littlegirlie, I am another NB user who can attest that I am NOT a salesperson nor do I work for Noogleberry. Although I do not post messages here very often, I visit this forum every day. I've read those posts on Eve's Forum that you were referring to and was really turned off by the negativity & empty accusations. (The funny thing is I discovered Noogleberry via Eve's Forum.) As mentioned by other NB members, Lucy has responded to these naysayers. Take heart, littlegirlie, that Noogleberry is a quality product and Lucy is the best in the business. (I can't stress enough how wonderful the customer service is at NB.) I've been on this natural breast enhancement journey for many years now (pills & creams - you name it, I've probably tried it) so I know a thing or two about major disappointment with products that "promise" to deliver, but don't. Although I still have a ways to go, I have gotten fullness with NB, which is much more than I've experienced with all the other products combined. Don't give up and good luck!!! dollface :)


Hi to WWW, Kultzu, Mel, Lucy and Dollface

A huge thankyou to you all, I feel fine now about what I read. I now cant believe I got upset and even started to doubt NB as my experience so far has been great, I suppose things are exaggerated with my current state of mind. Thanks for your comments and I'm not going on that forum anymore.

Thanks again



hi littlegirlie,
i wanted to put my two cents in. actually, more like five. i am a brand new nb user myself. i think it has been one week now. i also frequently suffer from clinical depression and am currently either on the brink or already down that path again (which is really fucking frustrating). i have a nice slew of things that set me off and i can totally relate to a comment about something tangentially related to oneself making one feel extremely shitty. you have already heard from a bunch of people who have had results. as i said, i am new, so i dont think i have yet. but what i wanted to say is that even if i never get any results, i am glad that i am trying and tried. it feels good to feel like you have some control over something that you feel self consious about. basically, with this, the worst case scenario is that nothing happens and you spent some money. but that gave you something to look forward to even if just a little bit and to be excited about to think of the possibilities, right? it is fun to think of yourself with big ole boobs even if you probably are not going to actually gain five inches. really, though, i cant see how any harm can come of this. This system is an exterior force pulling your skin, muscles, and fat. Nothing is getting inserted in your body (either implant wise or drugs wise). It is kind of like if you decided to continually pull your earlobe for a while. Your earlobe would eventually extend. And then you would have an unsightly extra long earlobe, but it would not do you any physical harm. ! Okay, i hope this made sense (i am not always the best writer). Just ignore the fuckers on the other forum. Read through this one more. I did that before i bought a NB and it was great! The interactions between people is one of the things that convinced me that this was something worth trying. So it is either real or there are some people who are very talented at mimicking real interactions and either way.. And hey, if it is the latter, they deserve some kudos for their skill!


(i guess the last was in case you start to doubt again!) i replied but hadnt read your 'im feeling better about it' post!


Hi bandit

Not been on the forum for a few days and have just read your post and just wanted to say thanks, you made some really good points.

Littlegirlie x