Hi everyone-another lurker here


New Member
Hi all. I've been lurking on the site since August and finally decided to order my noogle earlier this month. I'm so inspired by all your pics and posts and hope it will help me. I'm 24, no kids but have been up and down with my weight for the past couple of years. I went from a full C to barely a B right now and trying to correct it. I just got my noogle over the weekend (very excited about that :)). I ordered the large cups (I was overly optimistic) and they are definitely too big for me now so I put in an order for the medium today. This is not a problem as I know I will use the large eventually, I just can't stand the wait. I live in Jamaica so it will take about 3 weeks for me to get it. Also, I just happen to have an identical twin sis ;) who ordered her noogle too. She tried it over the weekend and filled the large cup in a matter of minutes. She's about 5 lbs heavier and a full C. Our main goal is not for size (although I won't complain when that happens) but improvement in the look and shape of our busts.

So just wanted to say hello and looking forward to noogling.
Sunsetz ;D


New Member
Hey all. It's been just about a week since I've been noogling and I'm getting good results. I said before that the large domes were too big for me ( i was very wrong, so the mediums will go to a friend). It took me quite a few tries to get the dome to fit me but it does. As a matter of fact, I completely fill it after pumping for about 2 minutes. My problem is that, because I fill the domes, I was expecting some crazy swelling like Mariah's Ds or Lisads to take place and I'm only seeing a slight difference. ??? I'm wondering if I need to pump more ( I only manage about 30-45 minutes per day as I'm trying to keep this habit a secret) or is it too early to expect results or are the domes too small for me. I'm also wondering if my method is not working. I pump until the domes are filled then release after about 15 minutes and repump.

Please give me some advice. Thanks.
Sunsetz :D


New Member
Hi Sunsetz,

I had sent you a PM, but I guess you didn't get it. I have been pumping now for about 6 months, so it will take you some time to get great swelling. However, you should know that if you keep at it you will get great swelling like me. I just encourage you to keep going and don't give up. When I first started I wasn't getting this great swelling that I am now. My advice is to just keep pumping as much as you can and eventually you will see results. I first started out as an 32AA and now I am a 32D, so I am pretty happy that I stuck with it and I am sure that you will be too.

Hope that helps, Mariah

P.S Check your messages ;)