How I saved myself from the torture....


New Member
I've been noogling for two weeks now, I am new but I am getting a good swelling and I feel I can do more hours, because I am just studying for exams now so I have plenty of time to noogle, but at one point I just can't stand the pain in my ribs and under my arms,I am not over pumping, but I am sure that all of you know what I am talking about.... I was thinking about the silicone rings, but as I read most of the people have some problems with them...

I know that most of you have some way of covering your domes with camper's tape or some other stuff. I was searching in the forum for some pics how to do it, but I didn't find (maybe I wasn't searching that hard enough) but I went to some little shops close to my place where they sell stuff like that and I found some kind of soft tape for 1 pound that I thought would work, I am not sure if it's camper's tape... I covered the domes I am not sure if this is how you do it guys, but this is how I did it and damn it it's better. It's softer and I can do more hours, the problem is that there are some liiiitle tiny holes that air comes out from, but it's not that big of a problem I just pump more frequently... Hope I am helping, here are the pics :)






New Member
That looks way better and softer than campers tape. Did you get that from a hardware store? It looks like it didn't come in a package or anything so it probably doesn't have a name. Right now I'm using silly putty and a cut up plastic bag but it wont stay in place. Your idea looks so much better :)

Matt B

New Member
Hey M,great idea.I just stuck the camper tape on the edges and rolled it over.The extra tape over the other is a great idea.that should take care of the indents too. Thanks! It's amazing what we'll do for boobs!LOL

Matt ;D


New Member
Hey thanks, hope you found a solution, unfortunately I had to remove that, because of the air leaks. I started getting red dots all over my boobs, once I removed it they stopped. The idea is good but you have to make it veery very good, so that no air leaks. I live in London, close to Whitechapel station, there are many bangladeshi little stores where they sell all sorts of stuff for your home, I bought it from one, wasn't really a hardware store... :)


New Member
Hey Londoner! :)) Well...yes, but somehow I got used to it. I do a 5 mins break when it really starts to hurt... Btw I am checking your topic from time to time, great results :)))
thanks a lot but it was just swelling :( I gave up on NB, it gave me one stretchmark and very weird nipples (before pictures i try to make em go hard so they look normal - but it takes me AGES to get them hard, even with cold, before they were always hard.. oh well..)