how to get the swelling to last longer?


New Member
Just wondering if anyone has any tips on how to make the swelling last longer. My boobs swell up an inch and a half after I noogle at night and look AMAZING.... then when I wake up they are an inch and a half smaller. I've gained about an inch of growth in a little less than two months of noogling (from measuring before i start noogling for the day and comparing it to my measurement that i took before i got NB) but I want my breasts to maintain how they look after I pump! It can be so frusturating- I get all excited and love my boobs right after I noogle, then get discouraged the next morning when they don't look half as good as after I pumped. :( also, swelling turns into growth- correct? so maybe one day my boobs will actually grow to the size that they become after I pump and stay that way?


Active Member
Impatient eh? Generally as the months go by, the swelling will stay longer. Eventually it becomes permanent growth. Everybody wants to speed the process up and longer pumping, applying PM or progestrone creams, work for some people. Taking breaks from pumping is also important. The only sure-fire way to keep them swollen is to pump them up again before they completely deflate. If you are into pumping 4 or more hours per day, break it up into 2 hour periods, like 2 in the morning and 2 evening. Other than that, have patience, you already are getting better than average results. Good luck! :)


New Member
I wondering if the deflated to less than original size is due to the amount of water that was taken in. Some days I'm just like the original poster, Wonderful 2 in bust increase from a 1 1/2 hour Noogle. About an hour later the deflate back to normal...darn! Sometimes they seem to deflate to less than normal size. I'm wondering if that's related to water intake...

Some people say swelling lasts only an hour, some don't get any swelling, but still get growth. Some have reported 8 hours worth of swelling...wouldn't that be nice. Pump them up and go out on the town and show them off! Be home by midnight though!