I want to grow with noogleberry ....and have fun with it too;)))))


New Member
Mama J is right. Its not the time frame. I've had the domes on for hours before. but if its painful, THATS the sign of over pumping. Slow and steady wins the race as i've been told many times over. and truly if you are gentle, you will get more results and get them faster than if you push too hard.


New Member
Thanks a lot everyone!!!!

I will follow your guidance. Yes I did overpump and when I removed the domes they were purple. I thought that way it would be faster :)))) About the red pathes I do not know if I am imagining but I think today they have reduced very slightly. I will wait for them to go away and then start again.

Dear all ....so how long do you estimate it would take me to see some growth which stays... . .By the way my breasts are not small. They are a full cup B - that is why I thought they should grow faster..........funny;))))))))

Well in the meantime I will celebrate the fact that I am learning how to pump ;))))

And thanks to all of you for being so wonderful!!!!!!!!


New Member
Permanent growth is another thing that only time will tell. Since you have a bit to start with you might be a fast responder. Some have noogled 5 or 6 months to see permanent growth, some less, others more. The average seems to be about 6 months though to see the start of growth. Just keep at it, don't be discouraged if you don't see anything yet, and stay positive. I think its Strumpet who says "The booby fairy will see you soon" and she's right. Sooner or later you will grow.


New Member
Thanks dearest!!!!!!

My redness has all gone!!!!! You are an angel........And.......Ok will keep up positive.......... And am looking much forward to the Boobie Fairy....... Will start again today.........Intend to do once for an hour today and then two times for an hour with less pressure now from tomorrow onwards..........Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!! :D ;D ;D ;D


New Member
Hi everyone,

So just did my first hour. Since I still have my brava domes and I wanted a whole hour I decided to use those domes and use the tubing and pump of noogleberry so as to have them stay on for an hour. I was more gentle this time and every twenty minutes checked any markings. This time I did not get markings but got no swelling not even temporary. My breasts were not even red. Did I underpump? And I am always reading that everyone gets some swelling? What do you do to get swelling?.......Looking very much forward ::) ::) ::)


New Member
Hi Joyful,

No you didn't over pump. Getting swelling doesn't occur the first time or even early on. It is different for every one. Usually, it will take some time. You are on the right tracl now girl. Just be patient, and the swelling will come Hugs Mama J :-* :-* :-* :-*


New Member
Hi everyone,

I took a break of one day because I did not have time to pump and was very tired......well tomorrow I will try again and make it one cup at a time and see what happens:)))

Does missing a day stop the process?


New Member
If missing days stops the process then something else was causing my growth. It is always best to remain consistant but missing a day or two here an there won't affect your progress. In fact as you progress, I've seen people post that they come to a "stall" where they aren't growing anymore. At that point its recommended to take a break for a while and come back to it after a week or so. So you're fine with missing a day. No harm done.


New Member
Thanks dear,

I started again three days ago and have been pumping half an hour once to twice a day because I was very busy. I intend to increase that to about two hours twice daily during weekend to make up. What I like about noogleberry is that you can sometimes miss and you have not lost the progress. No swelling till now but am hopeful that I will get it. Will an average of half an hour twice daily be enough? Thanks.


New Member
Hi everone!
So I pumped for two hours in the morning and two hours in the eve and got some small swelling..... but it only lasted for some time. Is that normal for the first week even after two hours and is it some success to celebrate? ;)))))


New Member
I was excited when i started showing growth . Regardless of how far into noogling you are its always good to clelbrate! Congratulations!! This works for you and you'll soon reach your girl!


New Member
Thanks dear,

Now my next two challenges are this:))))

How can I keep the suction without having to pump all the time because air keeps coming out from the sides?
How can I keep up more swelling? Maybe it is not keeping up because the pressure is all the time going down?

Look forward to more success :)))))))


New Member
Honestly with the swelling I just go back to the drink more water or maybe someone can give you tips on suppliments to take. Just remember swelling isn't everything. Even if you only swell a little bit your body will still grow over time.
In regards to the suction issue I don't think i can help much on this one. When I had issues with suction I just used more oil. When I lubed up real good the domes seemed to stay on better which was strange but I was willing to go with it. Maybe someone else can help with the suction issue


New Member
Hi joyful
are you still having problems with the suction?
I find that I get better suction when I lay down or lean against pillow and then
attach cups, dont have a problem at all then.
I also use oil and not cream as I find suction better with the oil
and has made the skin on my chest so soft and lovely so a bonus!

Do let us know how you are getting on.
