I'm stumped on real "growth"


New Member
Hi all! Maybe this has been addressed before..or not.? But I'm a lil stumped on real growth and well just plain swelling growth...? I haven't done this long enough to actually grow from it, but when one does grow...is it permanent? OR would you lose that "growth" over time if you completely stopped noogling and didn't even "top up". See, I was gone for almost a month....took my noogle with me and was only able to noogle twice during that whole time (which is sad because I was really getting some great swelling before). So needless to say.....I lost everything. I kinow for my experience though that I hadn't "grown" yet because I hadn't used the noogleberry long enough to really grow yet from it, but this had me thinking about when or if I do grow like the others here that maybe it's just fake swelling and not growth? Something that'll eventually leave if I don't "top up" all the time?

Now, the other thing I was thinking about was that is the reason for the "topping up" to keep that last size that you grew up to? For example say I grow to a full C...and I decide to stop there....so I top up every now and then to keep that full size C...But if I decide to completely stop noggling then would I go back down to my original size or would I just lose that full C and maybe for example just go down to a small C or full B?


New Member
I think this would depend on each person individually. But I know once I get to my goal, I won't mind topping up personally. Even if I had to use this thing the rest of my life, I wouldn't mind. It's alot better than breast surgery, that's the way I look at it.


New Member
It's not time consuming for me. I pump while I'm doing other things. For example. I'll pump while I'm doing my morning or nightly routine. Like while brushing my teeth, washing my face, plucking my eyebrows, etc. etc. or I'll pump while I'm sitting down watching a movie or a show on TV. Or I'll pump while winding down, checking email, or playing a game online. When you do it while doing normal things, you'll see the time flies and it's nothing. Some even "snoogle" which is noogling while you sleep. I personally can't do this method because I have had insomnia since I was little and though I can manage to get to sleep alot better now, I'm a light sleeper, and I can't go to sleep unless it's completely silent, no lights on, and I'm comfortable. Hope you can find a way that's best for you!


New Member
Yah...I usually have to go into my bedroom and lock it because I have kids. It's too obvious to wear a shirt over...and walk through the house...lol.


New Member
I have a 4 year old. I just pump when he's asleep, not here or when he's busy in his room, etc. There are always ways to do things. As I said, I most the time pump while doing routines, which is typically in the bathroom or my bedroom. And as I said before, some snoogle. So that wouldn't take any of your time during the day or anything. I just know I could never do the Brava system, you have to wear it too long during the day or night.


the growth can be slow going, but it is real...the last swell that you spoke about, that would keep my coming back for more!! but my growth through Brava and NB is VERY real...not just temp. swelling..the boobs have grown!!!! from flat AA to nice b and working on a c cup! just be consistent and committed, like anastashia says, make it part of yur daily routine....


New Member
I have grown, but then again i take herbs too, so maybe taking herbs and pumping is the key? I know MSM helps increase collgen, and hops helps you to be more exceptable to herbs.

Personally i think herbs + pumping = success.


New Member
I've been very consistent with my routine except for when I went away on vacation for approx. a month then that's when things went down and I pretty much had to almost but not quite start all over when I got home. I'm swelling in the cup further than I did when I first started. So as far as swelling in the cup, I didn't go back to square one I just got set back some (I am filling up the medium cups since I've gotten home.....before leaving on vacation I was filling up large. ) I know I'll get back to the larges it will just take time.

That's nice to hear Catsrule, that you have had permanent growth!