Intro (hi there!) & Advice (help me!... pretty please?)


New Member
Hi there,

let me preface this by saying I haven't ordered a NB yet... but after seeing some of the inspiring results I am seriously considering it.... which is is a big deal for me because, I am but a lowly student, and this purchase would represent a sizeable chunk of my income. However if this really works I think it will be worth it for the improvement in my self esteem. The reason I am posting this is because I am skeptical that the NB can fix my particular problem. I am not looking for a huge increase in size.... I wouldn't mind if my breasts got a little bigger but thats not my main focus. I am trying to address the overall shape, distance, texture and perkiness of my breasts. As you will see in the picture I post (the anonymity of the internet blows my mind... I can't take my shirt off in front of my girl friend with out the lights off and yet...) my breasts are very far apart, mildly tubular, mildly saggy, uneven with large nipples. They are... not very attractive, I know. Bras don't fit them properly because they have NO fullness at the top of the breast and of course because of the distance. I try really hard not to be vain about them but truth be told it really bothers me... so if someone experienced with the system could take a look and tell me what you think I would greatly appreciate it... I'm not expecting perfection BTW... I understand thats not possible, but if they can be improved I'd be willing to try.

in terms of size; I wear an ill fitting B 34 (was fitted at VS and La Senza)
my chest is 32
my waist is 25
I'm 5"3 and BONEY but not really tiny, large frame for my size I suppose

be good -W1nt3r


  • Photo on 2011-04-11 at 04.46.jpg
    Photo on 2011-04-11 at 04.46.jpg
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New Member
Hi there,

I find your breasts have a nice round shape to them already. If you are concerned about improving fullness above, noogleberry will surely do that. You may want to try some herbals, such as PM and others. Breast massage, especially the CHI MASSAGE. Your breasts with time on noogleberry will fill out. You must realize though that it will take time. Good luck honey

Mama J :-* :-* :-* :-*


New Member
That's great that you already have the mass/fat and in my case, when I first started, I didn't have fat and was flat in L, and little bit of saggy fat in R. Noogling rounded both sides, and filled the L in both the bottom, round, and now I see a little bit on the top. Yeah, noogling is working, very very slowly, and if you continue to noogle, the fat continues to deposit in those areas. MOst of the time it's invisible to my eyes, and then one day I wake up, and boom, I see a hint of growth.

In your case, I have no doubt noogling will help you in padding up the top, and some girls here say, that if you put the cups closer to the center while noogling, it builds up the cleavage area. I don't know how to do that.

Teeny Tiny

The easiest way I've found to pull them together towards the center to help with bringing them closer together is to put the domes on, then take a soft belt off a robe and wrap it around them, gently pulling until they meet or come closer without hurting or farting them off. Once you have them where you want them tie the belt in place, but I suggest leaving at least 1/4 inch between them so they don't put pressure on each other and risk cracking them. If you want to help lift them to aid with top growth do the same, only run the belt under them, then around the back of your neck, then tie it behind your neck like you would some swim suits when you get them where you want them.

Hope this helps!


New Member
OKAY! I am going to order... this is exciting....

thank you mama j, soonenough and Teeny tiny for responding so quickly. This really seems to be a nice community. Its refreshing to get some objective perspective, especially the complimentary type on something so personal. I suppose I only focus on the negative things about my breasts, I lose sight of the fact that there is nothing ... hmmm freakish?.... about them, and also that other people struggle as well, even though I know this is a community based around that very struggle... well here I go... one other thing... I think I might have posted this in the wrong place... so excuse me while I figure out forum decorum. (oh dear I have 2 obnoxious rhymes in one message).

one other thing I am also concerned about my whole nipple to breast ratio issue.... I know I can't make them smaller (the nipples that is) but I certainly don't want them to get bigger.... I 'm going to do some thorough research through the forum though... I just didn't know where to start initially.

thanks again
Be good W1nt3r


  • Photo on 2011-02-26 at 19.09.jpg
    Photo on 2011-02-26 at 19.09.jpg
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New Member
Hey w1nt3r,

Thanks for posting, its really nice to see other people that look like you. I think you have a good start for noogleberry, my boobs used to look like yours and then I lost alot of weight and now they look all deflated. I think that always!! we are our own biggest critics. My partner loves my boobs as they are, which makes me feel a little better but I still cant stand them.

I have the same issue with my nipples. I feel like half of my boobs are nipple!!! I have seen some posts with girls who tape their nipples when they pump, so they dont swell up. I will start to do this if I see any change at all in my nipple size!!!

I think you will be really happy with noogleberry. I have only had it a week and I am already getting some good swelling on the tops.

All the best :D


New Member
Aww girl there is nothing wrong with your breasts at all. I think your starting place looks very similar to mine and with NB I have drastically changed their shape. I never fit any bras right either because I also had no tissue up top and now I am finally getting just a little bit of meat up there. It takes time, but just stay positive.

I have big nipples too! ;) They become gigantic if they aren't pointed from being cold, but I don't bother taping them at all. It is more of a hassle and often times the adhesive just irritates the skin.

Good luck and keep us posted on how NB works for you when you finally receive it in the mail!


New Member
Hello, fellow student ;D. I know how you feel, i'm broke too. But i think you can get a lot of use out of noogleberry. I just bought the essentials, and its lasted for a while.
Try not to be so hard on yourself. P.s if you live in the dome buy the hand pump it makes less noise


New Member
I have basically the same problem as you. Mine are far apart, but larger and more saggy. I'm also a broke college student :( Anyway, I find that whenever I try to position it higher on my chest to fill out the top, it pulls my nipple downward, so that it looks like an upside-down perky breast. I am not sure what to do since I need fullness on the top like you, but I don't want to make the sagging worse. I'm 20 and my boobs look like they are 60. Not cool. I hope you have better experiences than me. My fear of making it worse has made me not use it for now, but I plan to try again once this semester is over and I have more time and privacy to devote to it.


:)Hello saranghae,
I want to address the fear of making sagging breasts worse. I started nb about 3 yrs. ago. My male partner at the time (i don't want to call him a boyfriend) said I looked like a boy. That is what started me looking for an alternative to surgical breast enlargement. I found nb and it has done wonders for me. I was discouraged in the beginning because of slow progress, then I saw eman and that changed my mind. ( If a man can grow breasts being a woman should help) I worked at it faithfully 30-120 mins. per day depending on how much time I had available. ( I have had 5 children and breastfed all and it took a toll on my breasts) And I do not have youth on my side, I am now 58 years old and it worked for me. I was 32B, no matter what weight I was, which ranged from 105lbs to about 118lbs. (I'm 5 ft.) So for the wonderful effect of nb, I now wear a 34DD and it's not loose, and no sagging!!!!!!!!! In fact nb improves the entire breast!!!!!!!!!!! I never did take photos in the beginning so I thought seeing them without comparison would not do nb justice. I am tech challenged. I was married New Years Eve of 2009 and my lovely husband loves the new me, as when we met I still "looked like a boy." So be encouraged, I believe nb can only be good for your breasts, just remember that you are growing tissue throughout your breast and it does take a long time. janonthemtn


New Member
I agree with everyone who has posted - you do have a good starting point regardless of how you see yourself and I think you will be amazed at the results you get if you are persistent :) Hope you ordered the NB. I know I will be soon!


New Member
Hi there :)
It seems like you and I are in the same boat - I'm a student that (Thank you, School Loans for paying for MORE than my education) decided to do something about my... less than impressive sized breasts. I ordered mine today, and hopefully (if everything ships right) will be receiving my system in a few days/week or two. You have great starter pictures, but don't worry about your gf judging you - If she loves you honey, she loves you, not your boob size. But doing something to improve your own confidence? Well, that's admirable.
Sounds like you and I are going to trek this adventure about the same times, then eh?
Good luck, sweetie. Hopefully we'll both get the results we want.