

New Member
Yesterday I noogled for a couple hours. I haven't noogled in quite a while since before then. Well this morning I woke up with my right side being real's still itchy. I've never had this happen from noogling. Could this be a sign of growth or allergic reaction? Maybe I need to wash my cups out with soap? What do u think? It's a constant itch which is a little agitating because I can't just scratch :-\


New Member
It could be an allergic reaction to the lotion you are using. Did you use something different yesterday? It could though be a sign of growth too. I think it really depends on the circumstances. :)

I've had itchy nipples before and it's a sign of growth for me! I've used the same lotion for months and months now.


New Member
Hmmm....nope I've used the same lotion for the past almost 2 years now. ;) Maybe it is growth signs..I guess time will tell. I've experienced swelling and a little teeny bit of growth back from when I did noogle on a consistent basis. I got away from noogling for a while due to not being able to have the time. And the last two times that I've done it (yesterday and about a month ago)...I've itched like crazy on my right side (smaller side), which has never happened before. It's just interesting.