Minimum duration?



If I can sneak in 5 minutes of pumping, is it worth the bother? I'm wondering what the minimum duration of pumping is to make it worth it. So far I have managed only 10 min in the morning (too rushed), and 30-45 min at night. If I can get another 5 minutes in during the afternoon in the bathroom, is it worth doing? I'm on day 5.

thanks to all you pros!


hey jenjen, for starters, your duration times are fine, just make sure that you take a brief intermission [1-5 mins.] inbetween to let them exhale...I'm taking a break today to heal up...I'll start back up again tomorrow


Anything that will give swelling is worth doing. The key is constance - doing it everyday with no breaks. The more you do it the better. It probably wouldn't be worth doing 5 mins say if you found you had more time later in the evening afrter you'd done a proper session but if it's been a while since your last session then 5 mins might be worth doing - just pump as hard as you can to make up for it!