
New Member
Hi Alice!

Your progress is very encouraging! I read your entire thread btw:p lol and I just wanted to say 2 things:

1. You are gorgeous! I only wish I had a body like yours. I am fairly thin and have no curvature to me whatsoever... yours is very envious! Your hips and bum are my dream haha and your breasts of course! mine are sooo tiny :/

2. your bf is a idiot. plain and simple. anyone who asks you to change your body for their own selfish reasons isn't worth your time. you are hot and dont let anyone tell you different! Change yourself for YOU and no one else:)

I just started noggling 2 weeks ago with the M domes (although there were a few days there I wasnt able to because I was sick... so maybe more like 1.5 weeks) I am a 32A (maybe less who knows I think I kinda fool myself with this... I am prob more likely a 32AA :/) and the worst part is I am very tall (5'10.5") soooo makes them look even smaller :S

I am also taking Siriporn PM. Just started it a couple weeks ago when I started noggling. I am really, really hopeful this program is going to work for me. So far, I have not seen much change, but I have just started after all ::) the swelling doesnt last at all yet for me either... maybe like 15 min :(

I have a question for you; you are on the pill, right? did you consult your doctor at all about being on PM whilst on BC? I know it recommends not to... but I really dont wanna havta quit my BC...

I am going to stay optimistic and I really hope to see progress like yours really soon! You are definitely an inspiration there is an crazy difference in your pics !! ;D

Matt B

New Member
Alice,you're NUts!! Where is the chub?You must be looking in a mirror from a carnival or something.Man,you gals gotta lighten up on yourself. You're all beautiful so take it easy!!The boobie fairy,butt fairy,leg fairy and all the rest will visit in time so be patient!!LOL!!

And,to lighten things up,here's a joke!


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blusherr said:
Ahhh I have a little cellulite which I am trying to get rid of. I dont diet, my diet is actually so bad I think I am just lucky with a fast metabolism. Itll catch up on me someday though
I did squats to get it bigger and am going to go back to gym when I am well. I go on the treadmill set the thing up really high so its like walking up a treacherous hill and go at a brisk pace. This really develops your legs and thighs!
Haha I dont think im that skinny! My top half is but my.bottom half is chub!

you made squats to make it bigger? how much did you get it bigger with squats then?:D well, it doesnt seem like you have any cellulite, you have an amazing body, i can tell you i envy your body ;)
haha! yeah my butt is big too but next to yours mine is tiny ! hahaha, my bf is an assman and whislt he says my butt is perfect i want it to be nicer for him, if you know what i mean, so iwas just wondering :)


Starting out as AA!
Omg Alice your body is GORGEOUS. Seriously, you have boobs,a flat stomach, and the ass!! Your boyfriend should be kissing yo feet.


New Member
hmmm... maybe if i take one PM capsule a day, instead of 2.... and continue my bc i will be okay. i dont want to take too much right away anyway, as I want to see what NB can do first ;)

you know I haven't taken any pictures yet. I suppose it would be a good idea tho! im just worried someone is going to see them or something lol but im sure if i take them, put them on my laptop, then delete it will be fine ;D

I do exercise quite a bit (or at least try to) even tho im quite thin it helps tone things up ;)... i once tried just plain gaining weight to develop curves... but it just goes to allll the wrong places ::) i gained 25 lbs hoping to look more "voluptuous" but just ended up having lots of cellulite and fat ... and no gain on my breasts at alll! :'( .... so i got my weight back down which thankfully was easy for me bc I have a good metabolism as well :)

i totally get the squat thing it really helps! although my bum is still pretty flat, using the squat machine at the gym really helped lift! and i totally know what your saying about the crazy incline on the treadmill i do that all the time haha feels fantastic! and elliptical type machines.... but mostly i try to use lots of weight machines to build muscle mass and voluptuous-ness haha

thanks so much for the encouragement! I am definitely going to keep it up! you have inspired me to try and noggle for longer... no reason not to, like you said... might as well progress as fast as possible! as long as there are no physical signs of overdoing it i think ill give it a go and see whar happens! ;D

p.s. wow that picture is hot! i am especially jealous of your booty! hola! no stretch marks or cellulite at all! i got both there :-\ im thinking of trying trilastin for my stretchmarks i have heard really good things! unlike most stretch mark creams, its supposed to be very effective on old stretch marks ::) i hope so! i have had them since i was 13 when i grew like 6 inches in a year! :eek:


New Member
blusherr, I too get itching but not that bad! I wonder if your over pumping just a little? it seems like I onlt itch if I over do it ;) I take maca and wow! my butt has improved so much! I use to be a very flat bum and now I actually gained a very nice round bottom! it's so nice that we can improve our own shapes without the messes of surgery ;) I hope your itching has stopped! and thanks for the routine....Diva
blusherr said:
Definatetly do squats! I do them off the side of my bed :D with one leg on the bed!
50-100 :) but I do a stretch after 10 each time.
I wish mine was an assman... -__-' hes just an asshole OOOHHHH! Hahha nah hea alright

wait ine leg on the bed? how does that work? like you are "stepping" on the bed and then doing a squt?

hahahahaha yeah asshole he is for sure, you are absolutely gorgeous.
yeah you can really see a difference!:) Lucky you!!!:D You didnt nooogle since friday, i wont be able to noogle today either. i feel guuilty when i can noogle! hahaha!!!


New Member
There is a nice change! I don't think it's minimal at all! Look how your nipples got much bigger!!! I wish my breasts were your size!!! You breasts look BEAUTIFUL!!! Keep up the hard work....don't stop like I did.


New Member
yup i see it too! big difference for sure!

Also, just thought i'd mention, compared to your first pictures and these... not only do they look bigger, they are also much more shapely and rounded!

You are very encouraging!



New Member
Wow! there is a huge difference :eek: I am very impressed! because of your awesome results I just ordered my L domes!!! I am going to do your same routine:) I can't wait! I am so happy that you respond so quickly too;) I hope we keep in touch, take care Diva


New Member
Hello Alice!, you are so inspiring! :O, and so cute haha, can I ask you what cream do you use while noogling?, I've read all your posts, but maybe I just missed it, sorry if it has already been asked x_x, also, when you do more than one hour (let's say 2 hours) do you do it straight or with breaks?. I was doing 2 hours at morning and 2 at night (without any breaks) and started noticing white lines were the rings used to be, have you ever encounter this kind of issues? I love the 2 hours swelling though :/ haha.
Sorry for my baaaaad english, I'm from South America :)
blusherr said:
Tatiana: yeah I have been busy with all my uni work so havent noogleddddd snoogled for almlst 7 hours last night but idk howwww much it does considering I use the M domes and I fill then out v quickly. I still get swelling when I take them off though, so thats still a good sign I suppose?

Eva: haha yeah I just cant seem to stop them from growing along with my breasts ahh! Eva why did you stop! Are you going to continue again?
Im glad you guys can see something :D its so helpful having more than one set of eyes haha :) and thanks Eva! Im surs you will get there

yeah, it was my birthday so i couldnt noogle either haha, but I staretd yesterday at night and today! it still counts if your real size is smaller thant the domes, so yeah. still grow :)good luck


New Member
Oh my gosh, Blushrr. I went a 10-day hiatus from all the forums (and my NB, too, sadly.) because of Spring Break, and when I come back--BAM! Your thread has blown up! Congrats on having it pinned! That means that your results are so stellar (and they are) that everyone NEEDS to see them! Haha that must be an amazing feeling. You are clearly an inspiration for many of us on this board.

I agree with someone else earlier in this thread who said that they feel guilty when they don't noogle. For real, that is exactly how I felt over break! I am sooo glad to be back on the NB train again! I don't think I should have another break for the next month and half, unless it is like for one weekend or something.

I looked at all your pics too, you pretty thing! Your progress pictures are amazing. You have grown so much! Congratulations!! ;D


New Member
Girl that bra looks very tight and full!! If my conversions are correct, 10D is the same as a US 32D, right? I bet you could take the padding out and fill it like a gem! You have the perfect shape. Tiny waist and big ole boobies! You go girl!!

Spring Break was a nice, relaxing week for me, and I definitely maintained my growth during my time off, but I am also on PM. My boyfriend kept making boob comments like, "Stop saying you don't have boobs. You clearly have boobs." etc....SO it all seems to be working!!

I am hoping that getting back into noogling combined with getting back into my PM routine (I took a month of cleansing from PM) will get the ball rolling again! Send the boobie fairy my way!! :) I'll keep you posted. I may create a program page here soon, because I want to make NB a main component of my program and include it more.

Some girls are such bitches, and I am so glad that they are NOT on this forum. You are lovely, and that girl was most likely jealous of how perfect you are. Isn't nice to be on a forum full of women who support each other? I think encouragement is so good for NBE. After all, you need to be positive about it, and being mean and critical is not the way to induce a positive self-image. When you run into bitches like that, we are all here on the NB forum to remind you how wonderful you are! :)


New Member
WOW! :eek:

That is all I can say! I know I have said this a million times... but your results are amazing. And omg what a beautiful shape they are now! Your boyfriend musttt have noticed?!

The same thing is going on with my nipples! I hate it :-[ i try to tape them all the time too so i dont get why they would be bumpier...

Can't wait to start seeing results too... wow I can't believe I received my noogleberry nearly 4 weeks ago! I've been using it pretty consistently... haven't seen anything yet, but I am definitely staying optimistic! How long have you been noggling now, and how long on average do you noggle per day would you say? :)