Nb blues



Hi all,

just need to get it out of my system. After a week of having the large domes I still can't get them both on the same time. I do one medium and the other one large. But even that takes forever for me to get them on. And once I get them on, when I try to put on some clothing, air gets in and I have to start all over again. Seriously, It drives me nuts. :mad:

When i had the small domes I could more or less go on with my normal routine, but now I have to stay put. Is my frame too small? Anyone been there? I thought that after a while it would become easier. Can't even imagine how it must be with the XL monsters.

Although I am complaining what NB is doing for me is A M A Z I N G. And thanks for reading ;)


Hello Jackie,

Try to pump only one L cup instead. It will take longer but it will be worth doing.
For some reason, I struggled with L cups more than the new XL ??? :mad: .

When I started using the L cups, I only pumped one side at a time. It took me many weeks to be able to place them both same time.

I know it is frustrating but please be patient. You will love to see the results you are gaining :D.

Take care,


Hi Jackie,

Wow, it is news to me that anyone could ever move around with their domes on. I will even lose suction if I type too hard. Sometimes - and I mean sometimes I can get up and walk somewhere with the domes on - but I had better be ready with the pump to recreate the suction that the invariable 'farting' will reduce.

I don't know why I bother even moving when I have the domes on. It isn't like when I reach my destination I can do anything with my arms. I feel like some sort of T-rex.... a Noogleosaurus - great big chest and useless arms... lol.

As far as clothes - I have developed a selection of Noogling attire. Great big button front shirts. That way I can open the fronts and slip them off my shoulders and get the cups on. Then by small furtive movements I can struggle to get them buttoned. I am trying to develop my psycho-kinetic powers in order to assist me in this endeavor... yet another possible benefit to Noogling... lol.

You have my empathy and sympathy.

Best wishes,


"Noogleosaurus - great big chest and useless arms", That's accurate and funny!


I can't move much with my medium domes. At first, not at all. Now I can get up, but like Waxingmoon, one false move and fffaaaarrrrrtttt.
You were lucky! I hope when my large domes get here I can get them both on in short order, but I expect to be immobile. I have gotten to where I enjoy the peace and quiet of being alone to noogle. Pillows stacked, tv on, remote control and cordless phone in reach. If all goes well, I might even doze off.

I'm thrilled to hear you are seeing more results! Are the larges more or less comfortable?


Thanks Kultzu and Waxingmoon. The front button shirts are a good tip! I guess I have just been spoiled as a fast responder. With the small domes I could do just about anything. Kultzu, how on earth can you get both XL monsters on at the same time!! ???
Thank you and I feel slightly a geek for complaining about nothing really. (but it is still annoying ;))


Hi Booler (my nooglebuddy),

What was I thinking... I really honestly thought that you guys could do alot with the domes on. (jogging, going to the supermarket, windowcleaning, chopping wood :D) .

Booler, for me the large are a bit uncomfortable. I loose suction all the time. I hear the air just sizzling out. Like a tyre that's getting flat. But, it is wonderfull. I went out last friday. I had a nice dress on. My friends said. He, you look great. I felt great. Ofcourse did not tell them. Cause how are you going to explain the concept of NB. "Yeah it is really simple. You get a pump with plastic hard domes and you put them on your boobies. You suck the boobies in to the hard plastic domes, untill they become purple and hurt. Yeah, a litlle like madonna's bra from Jean Paul Gaultier. For an hour or two. And your boobs start to fart. O, and you have to keep it up for months on end" :D Really for an outsider it is difficult to grasp I think.

It is still a magnificent feeling the boobies bouncing. I am wondering wether you got you're Esprit Bra. This week I went Bra shopping (did not buy anything, cauz expecting to grow even more ;)) And yep..it is still 70 C/75 B (european size).

And how are you doing?????

kuddos Jackie


jackieT said:
Hi Booler (my nooglebuddy),

What was I thinking... I really honestly thought that you guys could do alot with the domes on. (jogging, going to the supermarket, windowcleaning, chopping wood :D) .

Booler, for me the large are a bit uncomfortable. I loose suction all the time. I hear the air just sizzling out. Like a tyre that's getting flat. But, it is wonderfull. I went out last friday. I had a nice dress on. My friends said. He, you look great. I felt great. Ofcourse did not tell them. Cause how are you going to explain the concept of NB. "Yeah it is really simple. You get a pump with plastic hard domes and you put them on your boobies. You suck the boobies in to the hard plastic domes, untill they become purple and hurt. Yeah, a litlle like madonna's bra from Jean Paul Gaultier. For an hour or two. And your boobs start to fart. O, and you have to keep it up for months on end" :D Really for an outsider it is difficult to grasp I think.

It is still a magnificent feeling the boobies bouncing. I am wondering wether you got you're Esprit Bra. This week I went Bra shopping (did not buy anything, cauz expecting to grow even more ;)) And yep..it is still 70 C/75 B (european size).

And how are you doing?????

kuddos Jackie

Okay Jackie, I'll admit that I do chop wood with my domes on, but in the Midwest we can chop wood while simultaneously nursing our young and milking the cow. Women folk here learn to do all that by the age of five. ;)

I haven't received my Esprit bra yet. I am kind of stuck at a b-cup until my large domes arrive. But I am still pumping regularly, coz at one month in I am hoping the swelling is motivating my body to begin the growth process. (A girl can dream, can't she?)
So I am just sitting by my mailbox waiting for my large domes and my unpadded c-cup bra to arrive.
Your bra size is european. I assume that means you are in Europe as well?
I guess that means my nooglebuddy and I won't be doing lunch anytime soon. :-\


Mumma Bear

Hi JackieT! Just a quick idea with the noogle-wear. I've been wearing a really big white cotton t-shirt - pop this on first and then you can go from underneath to place the cups - no fiddly buttons. I would love to have something printed on the front - what do you think nooglers....
Noogle Time!!
Under Construction!
Or a picture of two watermelons
Noogle on!
Addicted To Noogling

I'm sure everyone else can think of much funnier words...

Maybe Lucy could sell them on the site!


Mumman bear,
Great idea! I'd buy one.
I like Under Construction. But if we go with any Noogling reference it should be spelled...

or for the XL girls
N( . )( . )gle


I finally managed!!!!! As I am typing this I have the two L domes on!!!!!!!!! I was getting so frustrated. I went crazy with the constant 'farting' sounds. It took me about 15 minutes to get them on. With all kinds of techniques. But I finally did it. It will probably still be a hassle next time and it kinda hurts, but I reep the rewards. By the way I see a significant difference at the end and the beginning of my cycle. Right now I am swelling very much. Almost 40 inches. And 12 hours later it still is about 38. So it really pays off!



WAY TO GO JACKIE!!!! Once you have gotten them on a couple of times the swelling will be enough that it will get easier and easier, just like the mediums were. Don't go chopping wood yet tho. It is SO frustrating to get them on, get cocky and reach for the remote or something and in a noogle-fart instant you are back to square one.

I am thrilled for you!


Hey JackieT,

That's so good that you are able to use the Large Cups at the same time. I know in the beginning for me it was hell too, but I kept at it and like Booler said it gets easier and easier.


That was so funny in a Noogle-fart instant you're back to square one. LOL!!!! (it has happened to me many times!)



U made it Jackie !!!
And U made me happy ! Very good news ! :D :D :D :D



Hi Jackie,

Just reading back on some users comments and noticed that you had the same problem as i am having with the large cups but finally managed to use both of them together.
Just wandering if you did anything in particular to get suction or was it just sheer practice?
It's driving me nuts not being able to use them and i've lost patience and gone back to the mediums at the mo which is so frustrating!


Hi JJ...

I can relate so much to what you are going through. It drove me crazy!!! I was sooo frustrated. How I did it?
Well, first I just pumped with one L dome a time. Then I did one M dome and one L. And just kept trying. In the end it worked and I was able to keep both L domes on at the same time. And now it is so much easier. I can move around with both L domes on quite well. Sometimes I take the foamrings off. However, I still can't keep them on the same time as I managed with the M domes. Hang in there girl. You WILL get it :-*.


Hi Jackie,

Thanks for your advice and just to let you know i tried using one large and one medium and i finally got suction!!!

I have one breast slightly smaller than the other so have started by using the large on that one and then will swap around. Glad i read back about how you guys managed to succeed as i was sooo frustrated and ready to just continue with the mediums!

I've noticed that i get more swelling at the top with the large so will definately be continuing...

Thanks Jackie x


Yaaaaayyy!!! Good to hear JJ!!

Keep it up, and keep those boobies growing..

Love Jackie