new poster/question


New Member
Hi! I've had my pump for a few years and lurked in the forums now and then but I've been pretty infrequent about it all because I feel weird telling my husband about noogling. Do any of you have significant others that know you noogle? Do you noogle in front of them? Just wondering how others handle it. I'm going to try to be more consistent, I'm currently a 32A and I'm only looking to become a B, I just want to fill out clothes and bikinis better. Sometimes shopping is depressing when you can't fill out the tops!


Active Member
I think you should tell him you want bigger boobs, and ask him for his help. Do not ask him any variation of what does he think because he will only tell you that you are great the way you are, any other answer could get him in trouble. So don't ask, just tell him what you are doing. He can help by massaging your breasts, preferably with flaxseed oil, but also without any cream or oil. Do you watch TV together? He could put his arms around you as you lean back into him and he could massage you boobs throughout the movie, or between 15 minute noogling sessions. ;)