Noogling in the bath and steam effect and why stops breasts from turning purple?


New Member
I noogle in the bathtub for privacy reasons. I always end up getting a bit of water in the cups while I pump, after 2 hours I fill the medium cups. and no purple color change no matter what.
When I noogle outside of the bath they are very frequntly turning purple(even with correct pressure same as in bath)and have to release and start again in order to stop the purple...its a pain but hope maybe at least this allows me to do the pump and release method at the same time. I also dont get half the swelling I do in the bath..
Just wondering why I dont turn purple in the bath or is it just hiding the purple and maybe Im over pumping and not knowing? Or is it because the water or steam? And is it the steam causinng the swelling?


New Member
I have found that I get the best swelling "hydro noogling". I think the water makes it much easier to pump at a more even and higher pressure than air-noogling, without it doing damage. The water adds weight and stretches the breast differently. The heat from the water is helpful too. Pretty sure that's where the swelling comes from. Sometimes the water plays tricks on me and it is more likely for me to over-pump because I don't feel it as much. But as long as I am conscientious about checking the color in the mirror, everything is fine.

That being said, turning purple of way too much pressure. I can get away with pressure from "hydro-noogling" that I would never be able to tolerate outside the bath without getting long-lasting ring marks and red dots. Don't use the same pressure without the water if your breasts can't handle it. Just be as careful outside the bath as you have been in it and I think you will be fine.

Good luck reaching your goals. Hope it goes well for you :)


New Member
Awesome thanks so much very informative :) Also curious is the over all goal to get swelling? I know you can get growth without swelling but should I be aiming to get swelling other then it being nice to get the after effect of fullness? For that reason alone(among the others you listed) I guess the bath would be an advantage.


New Member
Also what are the chances of swelling permantly staying, waking up one morning and its still there...for good? probably not good but I like to wishful think lol :p


New Member
Yes, some people never get swelling but achieve growth, some don't see any swelling for a few months. Swelling is a great sign, though not at all necessary. The overall goal is growth, and swelling may come around when you are doing things right. Looking at it that way, aiming to get great swelling can only help you. The bath does sound like it is helping you. Everyone is different. My swelling lasts longer than it did when I first began. I don't get as much as I used to but I think that is because the cups that I am using are becoming too small.

Swelling that permanently stays sounds like growth to me. I think we could all use some of that. I don't think it's wishful thinking. It sounds like what happened to me. I got great swelling when I first started, just not instantly. Though everyone is different, growth is a gradual thing. It takes time even after finding what works for you. The more you keep at, the more likely you are to see lasting progress.


New Member
Thanks Jenni! this has been very helpful for my questions. I guess hiding in the bath noogling isnt so bad after all just hope my boyfriend doesnt ever barge in on me :p thanks again


New Member
You're welcome, glad I could help.

Hiding noogling is pretty hard. It is easier for me in the bath than anywhere else in the house. And I tend to get careless when I am by myself. I loose track of time and decide to refill my water bottle just as someone is walking through the front door, my cups always seem to fart off louder than normal when answering the phone, the list goes on. It will be even harder to manage if I end up transferring to an out of state university. And I will certainly miss the luxury of hydro-noogling, so I am enjoying it while I still can.


New Member
haha I can totally relate! Its actually causing me quite the anxiety wondering if husbands going to walk in the door, calling him to see when he is going to be here constantly throughout the day..The cups farted one time I was on the phone with him I blamed it on our 6 month old making mouth noises haha! Lesson learned now I take them off while on the phone :p
I keep the cups stashed in a breatfeeding pump box along with the breatfeed pumps so hopefully if he finds them he will think thats what they are. Taking care of a 6 month old and noogling is hard but I manage to get in 30 min-hour sessions while he naps then if lucky my bath session in the evennig. Its a good thing I have really bad neck problems so when Im in there for 2 hours I am "soaking my neck"(which I am at the sme time). Sometimes I think to myself its quite rediculous the lengths I am going through for this but if it works it will be well worth it! :)


New Member
Wow, hiding it from a husband sounds really tough. I am single, but I imagine that if I were married, hiding such a thing from my husband would be near impossible for me. I think it is something I would have to open up about sooner or later. You are not alone though. I am pretty sure there are past threads somewhere that address this issue.

It seemed ridiculous to me at first too but in time it became routine. That just took a month or two of practice, but I also had a bit more freedom to experiment with what works best for my own growth. The more secretive you have to be, the less room you have for trial and error. Just my take on it.


Awh see i get lots of bruising and red dots if i hydronoogle :-( i dont do it now.
As for hiding NB, my boyfriend knew about it before i decided to buy it. I showed him peoples progress pages to show how well it works. Obviously i was subtle at first like "cool...look at this...this pump made her boobs grow...i wish i had bigger boobs....*sigh* theres always surgery. What do YOU think?" haha. I must admit the first month was the hardest for me as i share a room with my younger sister, i end up telling her about it anyway since she was curious why my boobs were bigger lol but the rest of the house wont know if i can help it.
I know it probably sounds like it was a piece of cake for me to tell him, im quite insecure so i was terrified he'd turn around and laugh at the idea. But i figured ive got nothing to lose. He loves me, whats the worst that can happen! (safe to say hes enjoying the results!)


New Member
Thanks again for the insight Jenni, great tips and advice. It is definatly amazing how you learn what works over time, hydro noogle is definatly the way to go for me, as well I found the cups need to be turned in the right way the indentations are a certain way that if not positioned properly wont stay on and fart way worse.
Thanks for sharing your experience BarleyB. Unfortunatly learned last night about the hydronoogle/bruising and my cover is now blown with husband LOL.
He bought me a cute lingerie outfit of course no padding and a size b/c cup so I decided to have a bath before I put it on for him to get some swelling...well I went a bit overboard, took off the cups and had hickey type marks all along the top, so very noticable,lol.
I put on the outfit and came out and said "your going to laught at me"...."I was pumping my breasts to make them bigger and have red marks now". I didnt tell him it was noogleberry I think he thinks its my breastfeeding pump and is very confused, he just like "you really think that will work, i think you did it a bit hard".
Well now he knows what I do in the bath :-[ but on a good note I had great swelling in the outfit :) lol