Ordered Wonderup for Daughter


New Member
Well after a lot of consideration I have ordered Wonderup for my daughter. She was keen to try something to enhance her noogling and I like the fact that they say it has been tested on 17 year olds and that on the forum there are several young users. Also over on Eve's forum there are quite a few people who have had good results with it, and the Wonderup customer service department have been wonderful, answering my endless questions without any hard sell.

Only ordered one bottle of pills and one cream for now - gonna let her try it but we have agreed that she will stop at the first sign of any negative side effects. So fingers crossed and we will let you know how it goes :)


New Member
Hi. I believe if my daughter was in need I would do the same. I wish her the best of luck and NO side effects. Everywhere you go and look on tv it's all about boobs at their age.


New Member
Thank you Roadrashes :)

The wonderup arrived yesterday but she is going to wait until her period finishes to start, so will strat in a day or two. The tabets smell really weird so I hope they don't taste too bad, although I guess she should not really taste them swallowing them whole.

Thanks again :)