Padded Hell's Program

Matt B

New Member
Hi Minnie, yes fenugreek has a lot of phytoestrogenic goodies,and is second only to red clover-PM is not included.Thats what i took for months along with red clover and saw palmetto. And, they worked.


Thanks Matt. That might not be so good for me then, considering that PM didn't agree with my system at all...But from what I've read over at Breast Nexus, both progesterone and estrogen are needed for growth. I am confused!! ???
Who knew that growing a pair of boobies could be so complicated? Dang hormones :D

Padded Hell

New Member

I'm beginning to wonder if the health shop have guessed what I'm up to :-[ *cringe*

Fenugreek is quite confusing, while Matt was right that its a phyto-estrogen, it's also a phyto-progestin (progesterone) too, so I don't know quite where you'd stand with this! Maybe just stick with the PC for now & see how that pans out? I don't want to be held responsible for any boob shrinkage! It sounds like quite a good sign that you haven't had much pmt this month, could it be that the PC has started working it's magic?

No, I haven't been able to take a break from pumping with this AF, because the BB machine requires 8 solid weeks of use. Maybe that's why my period was lighter, but I've been soooo tired. I could make a zombie look lively ;D. Did you tear manage to tear yourself away from NB this month?

My boobs are really uneven too, and it's never become so apparent until I started using BB! My left boob is lagging behind in the cup, it's starting to worry me now. So, yet another thing to work on, and more time lost in the ever-increasing black hole of NBE :mad:
AF deflation has been awful this month, and it's got me thinking. When we're at our most deflated, is that the 'true' picture of our boobs, as they really are? If so, heaven help me ;D
Now I'm starting to have a slight nagging fear over "What if after 8 weeks of BB, I'm still the same??" What then :-\
I know I can't really think like that, I suppose. Just have to wait & see.

The other night though, I did have some really wierd chest pains. The side of my boobs felt very tender (could be from the BB cups digging in though!) & then I had a searing hot-needle type pain going right through my left boob. Don't want to get my hopes up too much, but I don't usually get many breast pains.

Haha! I shouldn't really laugh about your little tea experiments, but I've done the same thing myself! The lengths we're going for these boobs :)

A few teas & NB/BB are all I can deal with right now. What I need most is a fresh supply of optimism & hope! Pity the health shop doesn't sell that, eh :(. I'm still not giving up though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matt B

New Member
Thanks padded,and just a note;caffeine doesn't really hurt boob growth but since it's a diuretic ya just have to drink more water.I drink French Roast 3-4 times a day and it hasn't hurt me but I drink a lot of water.
How's the growth coming? ;)


It really does feel like a black hole at times, doesn't it? :-\
I'm not really sure when our boobies are at their 'right' size. I'm on day 4 now and well...It aint a pretty sight, let's just put it like that :D
However, I do have some good news: AF has been quite different this month. I had slight cramping on day 2, but then I've been absolutely great. Not too heavy either (I normally have to change tampons every hr or I'll leak), no bloating, hardly any clots and no nausea. So all in all, it does seem like the PC is having a very positive effect even though I didn't take the full amount.

No, I didn't manage to take a break really. I left it for one day as I was tired and boobs were a bit sore as AF arrived but then it was business as usual. You know, I actually started alternating the health food shops I was going to as I felt like I was walking around with this huge "trying to grow boobs, pretty obvious eh" over my head. Of course, some of them are owned by the same people so my smart plan backfired when I'd meet the same staff only in different shops.... I guess they're happy to see me flat chested for the rest of my life, I think I'm single-handedly keeping them in business ;D

The Fenugreek actually sounds very, very interesting. And consisting of just the right properties to support boobie growth. I am slightly concerned though that it'll be overkill and that I'll be putting in too much progesterone.. Goddammit this is so depressing at times. Anyway, upwards, outwards and onwards.

The chest pain sounds promising. Was it chest pain (as in around the ribs) or breast pain? I never have any pains, have often read about growing pains on here but nope. Stubborn boobs.
I know how you feel with the 'what if'. I guess that even if neither of us see much of a difference between now and the end of BB for you and the end of the next few months for you, we'll have to re-evaluate what to do. But really, do take pictures to compare because the tiniest difference will be captured by the camera but not by the bare eye. In saying that though, I haven't taken any for a few months because it's just too depressing, especially when I look at other pics on this forum. Anyyyyyway, full of cheers and smiles today as you can see :D

And we wont give up. We might just need to modify our hopes and expectations a little bit. Maybe an A cup by the end of the year is realistic? And we might also, gulp, force ourselves to take more breaks to see if that improves things. *Breathes deeply into brown paper bag* :D :D

Matt B

New Member
Hey Minnie,Cmon now,remember what you just told me.Boobie blindness!!Take some pics -and I'll bet you have grown.
As for pain,I've had nipple pain and side boob pain slightly but thats all.

Don't compare yourself to others here,you know better than that.Even being a guy and pursuing this,if I did that I'd be looney because of all the beautiful boobs on this forum.That's one of the many beautiful things about this forum,is the fact that we don't judge,or compare.We are ourselves.And again go to and you will be thankful.

They really are rare and exquisite ya know. ;D Matt ;) TTYS

Padded Hell

New Member

My growth is still going slow. Thanks for asking :). I hope it hasn't ground to a halt altogether! Maybe you can throw a bit of your positive energy my way ;)

I've increased my water intake recently too. I don't know where it's all going though, I must have hollow legs or something! I'm still staying away from the caffeine though, although for non-boobie related reasons. If I have just one coffee, I get the serious shakes, which then turns into a full blown panic attack. It's not fair, I like a coffee, it just doesn't like me :mad:

I bought some goat's rue the other day. Have you ever tried it? I thought I'd make a topical oil out of it & alternate it with my fenugreek oil. What do you think? Goat's rue isn't a phyto-estrogen but it's supposed to increase prolactin. So, hopefully it'll give me more swelling. Worth a shot ;)

I agree with you about this forum. I'm so glad I can come here & share this whole experience. Everyone is so encouraging, it inspires me to keep focused & realise I'm not alone in this. Makes this journey a whole lot more enjoyable :) ;D

By the way, how is your growth going? Any new 'developments', excuse the pun ;D

Matt B

New Member
Hi Padded,funny you should ask.Even though I posted a few days ago,I just took a few pics after working all day in a bra,cami and sweatshirt. I'm always talking about hiding the girls under clothes so I was going to show how I keep the profile down that's all.Whaddya think?

I've never tried goats rue and I think I'll paaaaas!!LOL.The fenugreek and red clover and the NB have really worked so if it ain't broke I ain't gonna fix it! I did get some PM cream from Alice's source,and I love it.It smells good enough to eat,and it may be doing a little.It can't hurt and it's a great moisturizer as well.

Try some Folger's Half Caf,it tastes pretty good.I love coffee myself and I just made one.
The growth is coming I guess so all we can do is hang in there. I read the other day,that if you stall afew weeks off is good to let the bod reset.Makes sense.

TTYS,Matt ;)

Padded Hell

New Member

I think the black hole has completely swallowed me up :(. I've got to snap out of this!

Well, it's great news about the PC. I've been reading quite a bit about it, & it's seems to be good stuff. You must be so happy, a reduction in all those horrible AF symptoms, which are pretty much what I get too. No-one really mentions the nausea feeling, I thought that was just me, and I seem to be getting it more often too. Maybe I should get some of this cream! I'm going to definately keep it in mind. Now, you just need the PC to kick in with the ol' boobs & it really will be a miracle cream!

So, I went shopping again...see my post to Matt above. I've been reading quite a bit over on Breast Nexus about Goat's Rue, so I thought I may as well throw that into the mix too! Desperate, moi? ;D. I'm too chicken to take it internally though, so I'm just going to use it as another topical. My NB swelling seems to be diminishing as the weeks go on, so I'm hoping it might give me a bit of a boost, so to speak ;)

I'm still going strong with the BB machine & my body seems to have adjusted to the higher pressure quite well. Haven't had any red dots or marks :). I don't seem tro retain the swelling from it for that long at the moment. I'm hoping I will as the weeks go on. I'll let you know if it's worth raiding the kid's piggy banks for in due course ;D

The chest pains have died down sadly. I think it was a combination of rib pain, and the hot needle pain, I think, was boobie pain. I never had any breast pains during puberty, so it's hard to tell!

I hate to be the forum misery, but I feel very down about my progress. I'm starting to feel that even an A cup is out of reach. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. This is proving to be soooo difficult :mad:. Sorry to end on such a downer!

Padded Hell

New Member

I've just looked at the pics you posted a few days ago. There's progress there, more underboob I think :). Also, I think that's a great idea to post some pics of how you disguise the girls. I wish I had that luxury! I just have to take my padded bra (the one I could insulate my loft with :))off and job done. The girls are hidden! ;D

I think my growth may have stalled, so time for a body reset :)


PH, please don't apologies. It's ok to feel down about it all. This forum is greatly inspiring but at times, it can also be disheartening to see all these amazing results and then we look at ourselves and think 'what's the point???'.
I know that I make the mistake of comparing myself to others, not to myself. So of course, I'm always going to think that my results are meagre and ridiculous when I compare them with others. So what we need to do is to keep the focus on ourselves and keep coming back to that - comparing our results with our starting point and so on. And other peoples progress can be inspiration and a reminder of how this actually does work, but not a measuring stick because then we *will* feel totally down.

I read a little bit about Goat's Rue and the seed has definitely been planted!! When do you take it, cycle wise? How do you make the batter? I am very, very interested because I am also suspecting that my prolactin levels are off - during my pregnancies my boobs hardly grew at all but again, plenty of glands as I could even donate surplus milk and like I've pointed out a gazillion times already (zzzzzzzzzz) fed all my kids way past their 2nd Birthday. I am going to make a Fenugreek batter today, I still have seeds from that awful tea I made and it can steep until my next cycle. And I think I will add the Rue as well, as soon as you tell me how to do it!! :D :D
We'll be batter buddies! I think I'm willing to try using the PC together with those two other batters. Nothing ventured, nothing gained right?
Plus, I read over at Nexus that one of the long-timers says that progesterone stops NBE dead in its track. Yikes! In saying that though, there's so information out there that it's hard to process it all at times.

Must say that I am very thrilled with the PC cream and to actually feel normal during my period. Weird thing about nausea, isn't it?? I'd always go off food for a day or two. Also, I'd get this really icky feeling, hot flushes and generally clammy but none of that. So even if it doesn't help with NBE, it is still a huge bonus!!

Don't get too discouraged with the absent boobie pain; perhaps we're not likely to get any because we're growing so slowly? It's very good that you've adjusted so well to the BB and if these 8 weeks don't give you the desired results, could you take a little break and then go again? We'll get there PH, we will!!

Matt, it's funny - we're all illusionists aren't we? Only that you want to hide yours whereas we want to trick the world into thinking that we do ineed have 'em. Whoever invented padded bras will be remembered in my will!! :D

Padded Hell

New Member
LOL. 'Battered wives'! That cracked me up, Matt ;D


You've talked some sense into me. It's very easy on here to compare yourself, like you said, but that only leads to frustration & disappointment. I NEED to keep remembering where I started from & how far I've come form there.My mood has lightened :)

I've been pushing it a bit more with the BB machine, and yesterday's swelling was not bad, considering I'm nowhere near luteal phase yet. I just don't get it! There are sooo many (boobie & emotional) up's & down's on this road :(

OK, onto the goat's Rue. I'm still waiting for it to arrive *watches tumbleweeds rolling past*. This is worse than waiting for my boobs to grow! You make the goat's rue batter exactly the same way as the fenugreek one. You just replace the fenugreek with goat's rue instead. Or you can make a batter combining both fenugreek and goats rue. It's up to you really :)
Just make sure you use EQUAL amounts of goat's rue (or fenugreek) and oil when you steep it. As far as I know, you can use goat's rue anytime in your cycle, as it isn't a phyto-estrogen, it ONLY increases prolactin, which is what appeals to me. As long as it's not snake oil, I'm willing to give it a go ;D. Batter buddies 'til the end! Yeah!!

I read about progesterone reputedly stopping NBE in it's tracks too, but I'm not sure if it applies to us smaller girls. 'Isabelle', the Breast Nexus boobie boffin, wrote some very interesting stuff about underdeveloped AA+ range breasts. I wrote it down a while ago, so I'll just quote what she said. I hope she won't mind :)

"For women in their teens, twenties or before their 1st pregnancy & women in or after menopause need a real phyto estrogen like PM or hops to grow. For those in AA+ range at age 30+, it's different. If she had estrogen receptors that were sensitive to estrogen, she would have grown a long time ago, and estradiol from herbs will NOT help. She should instead, work on turning her androgen receptors back to estrogen receptors & on sensitizing estrogen receptors with progesterone."

So, you might be on the right track with PC. i get all the same symptoms as you with AF. The hot flushes, icky feeling, clamminess & a whole host of other horrors. I'm liking the sound of PC more & more ;D. Did your quality of sleep improve in luteal phase at all? I always get dreadful sleepless nights before my period starts. I call it 'Lightbulb head' because that's just what it feels like! You just can't turn it off :mad:


Haha Matt, very good!!! ;D

Yes, the sense talker - that'll be me!!! :D
I need to remind myself of this as well though because otherwise I'd give up here and now. That's very positive, isn't it, that your swelling wasn't bad despite not being in luteal phase? Maybe the BB will be just what you need right now to push it a bit further both swelling and growth wise? I am keeping all my fingers crossed that this is so, you have worked so, so hard that you deserve a proper pay-off now!!

That's a very, very interesting quote from Isabelle and it makes a lot of sense too. I must say that sleeping was ok this cycle and I can't believe that AF is now over and I'm still waiting for the horrible cramps and all other sensations to hit me but nope, none of that this month. It's quite remarkable really; if I hadn't embarked on this NBE journey, I would have assumed that all these symptoms were totally normal and wouldn't have done anything about them at all. I think NBE has encouraged me to be a lot healthier over all actually so even if the boobie growing is too slow for my liking, it has some very positive and unexpected side effects!! :)

The Goat's Rue batter sounds straight forward enough to make, I must start my search for some. Do you cycle it or use it the whole way through? And what about the Fenugreek, do you cycle that or use it every day? With the Goat's, is the thought behind it that the increased prolactin will help with swelling? And when you say equal amounts, do you mean like a 50/50 when it's being mixed? You should start charging for your advice you know!! :D
Batter buddies indeed, am quite excited now to apply some of that stinky stuff!! We have visitors so I wont be able to noogle until Sunday evening - gulp!!!! I'll still be checking in here though to stay in the loop. Too addictive, this!! :)

Padded Hell

New Member
I finally got my Goat's Rue :). It's already steeping. As far as I know, you can use it throughout your cycle, as it's not a phyto-estrogen, just increases prolaction . As for the fenugreek, I use it thoughout my cycle, apart from days 1-5, as I like to give my boobs a bit of a break then, so that's probably why they look so flat when I'm on my period :mad:
I plan on using it after NB in the evening, and hopefully it will help with swelling, or at least prolong the swelling for a bit longer. Well, that's the idea. Whether it works out is a different thing ;D. I might apply the GR and then use a heatpad as well, and see if that helps.
Yes, when you make the GR, you use a 50/50 mix.

The swelling seems to be picking up a bit from BB, but my ribs are getting a bit sore underneath my boobs. Nothing too bad to stop me..yet ;D. I can't see any signs of growth though :(


Yay for swelling, more of that!! The BB sounds like it might just be working its magic for you, I am really keeping all my fingers crossed for you PH, it would be sooo amazing if this would work!!!
Are you getting any noogling sessions in as well or is it solely the BB at the moment?
Am really looking forward to hearing how you'll get on with the GR. I have been steeping Fenugreek for 5 days now and only just realized that I was supposed to crush the seeds first.....Sigh!! Ah well, I guess I could always use the oil anyway, I could use it as my noogling/massage oil even if it wont have all the growing goodness in it.

I have ordered a pair of L cups after emailing back and forth with Lucy. My growth has just completely stalled, there's no doubt about it. I was thinking that for each session perhaps I could do the M cups for 30 mins, L cups for 30 and finish off with the CL's for 30 mins. What do you reckon? I don't know. I'm stuck for ideas as what to do differently. I haven't been taking any pics for the last 2 months as I just know my heart will sink so it's much better to live in a bit of denial!! :D
We had visitors for nearly all of last week so I haven't been able to go near the NB at all. Hoping to get a decent session in tonight, think I'll be experiencing withdrawal symptoms soon!! ;D


New Member
i'm glad to hear BB is working out for you PH. in regards to heating pad and goat's rue, i think you should try heating pad first to open the pores and get the blood circulating, then GR batter, then maybe heating pad again. like when i get facials, they usually put on hot steam first before applying the mask.

minnie, i'm sorry to hear about your stall. that feeling is all too familiar to me. i'm no expertise, but judging from my own experiences, i think you should focus more on longer pumping time as opposed to switching domes. i've switched to brava as of 6 weeks ago. i still noogle here and there if i can't get in at least 10hrs with brava. my swelling with brava is way beyond anything i ever gotten with the noogleberry, and the swelling last much longer. it's way too early to tell if any of it is actual growth, but i'm updating my program page over at breastnexus as i go along.

i'm not here trying to sell brava. i think lucy is great, and obviously there's been many people here who's grown with the noogleberry. but after 1.5 years of using it faithfully with questionable results... i started to feel like it was too much of blind faith - so i jumped ship. brava is a HUGE commitment though... maybe you can try snoogling to get in more hours?


Thanks for your input 34asm, I really appreciate any advice I can get at this point!!
I am also wondering if I am putting in enough hours to actually see any results... Problem is that I am quite limited in that my kids rarely go to bed before 8 o'clock at night, and snoogling is not possible due to a neck injury - sleeping is already an issue because of pain and dicsomfort :-\

I don't know what to do really; I'd love to try the Brava (if I had the money and a healthy neck) because it is pretty logical that the longer we create the tension, the more likely we are to have permanent growth. I don't have high hopes for growth at this stage, and I don't know if the L cups will make any difference at all, but I guess at least I feel like I've done what I can, if you know what I mean?

I am also very, very interested to see how PH gets on with the BB, especially since you can use the NB cups with it. It's not cheap, but I think I might be able to justify getting one....Maybe.... :D
Thanks again and I am very happy to hear that you're getting good swelling with the Brava!!