Padded Hell's Program


New Member
Hey Lexuswoman,
thank you very much for that. Congrats on the growth! It must feel amazing!
Do you know if there is a mp3 version of the breast enlargement video? I would like to listen to it on my iPod.


New Member
Hi Guys,

I'm glad the BB machine is making a difference for you! Could you help me out a little? Am I right in thinking the BB machine pulsates? I think the new 'advanced' one i got from gismostore was a rip off as it just turns off after creating some suction, and despite this 'Increase your cup size by at least one size, but typically two full sizes in 4 to 8 weeks. Use for 8 weeks, increase your breasts size, take a 1 week break then repeat the process again until you reach the next cup size. desired small D cup (Now also E-cup included in the Deluxe version). Not only increases the size of your breasts, it also creates the perfect breast shape and protects against future sagging.
The advantage of this system over all its rivals is the completely adjustable suction settings which allows you to set your own comfort level of suction which automatically pulsates to gently pull your breasts out thus actually growing new breast tissue in the vacuum created. No other system has this feature. ' from the european page of their website the man says it never pulsed and he 'doesn't know where I would have heard that!'

Good luck, and thanks!



New Member
Hey Loveydovey!

Thanks, yes it felt good to find something that really worked. I started another 16 weeks of the program this past Sunday. I'm going to keep doing it too! The program comes on a VHS tape or cassette tapes. The guy who sells them isn't with today's times and technology. I've asked him if he would consider doing MP3 or itunes audio downloads and he was undecided. We have a DVD player/burner that also has a VCR, so I copied the VHS tape onto a DVD, then put that on my computer. I downloaded a free program that allowed me to extract the audio files from the DVD and I put that on my MP3 player. I was having to drag my TV/VCR and headphones right next to my bed every night until I did this. It made it so much easier. The complete program is also in the book titled The Bio-Imagery Method of Breast Enlargement and Waist Reduction. You can get the book on Amazon for cheap and it has everything in it. But, I couldn't relax and read the scripts everytime, I need to follow something or my mind starts wandering!

Padded Hell

New Member
Hi Loveydovey,

I'm happy I bought the BB machine, but it's not a quick fix like most NBE. I'm nearing the end of an 8-week cycle of BB, and I'm just starting to see signs of growth now. It's clear to me that I'm going to have to use it a lot more for significant changes! But, that's just my experience & my boobs ARE pathetically slow to grow ;D. You may respond a lot quicker with it than I do. I think it's worth looking into if you haven't seen much change after a year of NB. I was in exactly the same boat, and it's so frustrating when you know how much you've put into it :mad:, but I'd hate for you to spend a whole load of money & be disappointed if you don't get the results you'd hoped for, but if you're willing to take the chance, then go for it ;). I reasoned with myself that if I didn't like it, I could always sell it, so in that way it wasn't such a risk.

Like Gingerbee, I usually apply lotion/oil & then pre-pump with NB L cups for 20-30 mins, then I switch to BB. I don't bother re-applying any lotion/oil before BB, as there's still enough on my skin. Also, it's not good for the machine to have too much lotion/oil on, as it can cause damage to the machine inside. I only use BB for 1 hour in the morning, and NB for 1 hour & 30-40 mins in the evening.

I think improvement in the shape of my boobs is down to the BB cups. They're very nicely shaped & really comfortable, although a lot more fragile than NB, which isn't so good :(. I like the fact that you can use the NB cups with the BB machine.
It's been worth it for the improved swelling I've been getting. With NB, over time I seemed to get less swelling. I think my body got too used it & lapsed back into 'lazy' default position ;D. You have 4 different settings on the BB machine, firm, plump, massage & suck, which seem to stop my boobs getting too used to the suction. I chop & change the settings every day, it's quite good fun :)

Hope this helps ;)

Padded Hell

New Member

What do you think has contributed to most of your growth, using the Brava cups or the breast enlargement video? Have you experienced any growth pains using the breast enlargement video? If so, what did they feel like? Sorry, if that's a ridiculous question, I'm just interested to know :)

Padded Hell

New Member

I'm not quite sure what you mean about the BB machine pulsating :-\. Are you sure it's the Bosom Beauty 2012 machine? I've heard that the gismo store sell an inferior version of BB, which is just cups & a little smartbox type thing. It was basically put together by someone using Bosom Beauty parts, but isn't legitimate. Is this what you have? I got my machine from ebay and it's a large metal box, which when using creates constant suction. It doesn't cut out or anything.


New Member
Hey PH!

Not a ridiculous question at all! :) I really think my growth has really been from the video, first and foremost, then maybe from the massage. I know i like to wear the Brava and get some temporary swelling, but I'm certainly not wearing it the 10 hours a day they prescribe for growth, so I don't know if the little bit I'm wearing it is contributing anything at all. I'm only wearing it 2 or 3 hours a day. When I listen to the video, I feel sensations in my breasts, like a pulsating feeling, but I haven't had any "growing pains". My breasts were itchy a few weeks ago, but I thought that was probably from the brava or just dry skin. When I listen to the video, I'm already in bed for the night and this is going to sound crazy, but once the part begins where you start doing the visualizations, I pull back the covers, pull down my pajama top and expose my breasts while I'm listening. When I first started doing the video, I didn't do this and I didn't feel anything, when I started doing this was when I began to feel the pulsating feelings in my breasts. I know...crazy! ;)

Padded Hell

New Member

I've been trying to incorporate a little bit of visualization when I'm in bed, as it can't hurt. I find it hard to concentrate sometimes, but the few times I've managed to, I have had a pulsating feeling like you describe! I just can't hold the concentration for very long :(. I do use a subliminal breast enlargement mp3 every night, it's just the sound of the sea, very calming. It's helped me to sleep more than grown me boobs, but it's just a little 'extra' in my routine, so that's ok :). Do you think that some sort of mental block could possibly stop breast growth from happening?

Do you get good swelling with using the Brava cups manually?


New Member
Hey PH!

I really don't get that great of swelling with the Brava, I just look more filled out. One night while my husband was a meeting, I wore the Brava for 3 hours and when I took it off, I swelled to 40 inches bust! I tried on every swimsuit in my dresser! It didn't last long though. When I go to bed and do the program, it takes me about 25 minutes to do, after I'm done, its usually around 9:30 and that's when I put on my Brava. I manage to fall asleep in it, but only for a short time, like, last night I think I wore it for 2 hours. I take it off and go to sleep. So, I don't see what my boobs look like when I remove it.

So you do know what that pulsing feeling feels like! I got so excited the first time I felt it! I felt like when that happened that things were falling into place and maybe begining to work. Remember I started Jan 30th and didn't get a half inch of growth until April. I hear ya about the concentration thing. That's why I have to listen to the program, otherwise, my mind is somewhere else. I think the mental block thing could be true, our minds are very powerful. When I started the program, I had to tell myself, this is going to work, you have nothing to lose. I had to really fight the thoughts of "Nothing works for me and this isn't going to work for me either." I believe there is a strong mind-body connection. The program I'm doing focuses on changing your self image as well. There are 3 different programs, the Basic - which is the only one I've been doing, the Accelerated - which has 3 additional breast enlargement images, and the Maximum Effects - which is more about further enhancing your self image. All 3 programs are also available on cassette tapes, which I ordered last Monday, so I can have the Accelerated program, I'll just have to get them put onto CD's. Or get a walkman on ebay! ;D

Have a great weekend! Make that a great 3 day weekend! :D


Eeeeek for wasps!!! I can't believe they're around already?? Thought we'd have until August at least until they started tormenting us :D
I'm glad that the machine didn't break - if it was me I probably would have tried to run away while still hooked up and the whole machine would have crashed on to the floor!!!

It does sound like the BB has given you some permanent and good results though. I am liking what I am hearing about it I must say.

I do think it is that we're pumping harder on the smaller side, because it's only one of my nipples that go purple. And like you describe, it's only the top of the nipple. Sometimes when I read your posts I think I have written them myself ;D
I will try to go a bit easier on the smaller one, what I might do is pumping it an extra 15-20 minutes instead. I used to do that when I wanted to even them out but then I got lazy and started applying more pressure instead. Not sure it's that good.

I kind of feel like my body is working like that too - if I've spent such a long time with no boobs, why would I need them now?? Silly body, doesn't know what is best for it!! :)
Everytime I discover something new, I also think "just one more go, this might be the one". And here I was, thinking that I was at least a slightly intelligent person ::)

Boobs not on the up yet, I'd say middle of next week they'll start making me false promises again. I had to take a little step back from the noogling as I was getting so down about it all, so have been doing every other night the last week or so. I've decided for definite now that I will give this until the end of the summer and then re-evaluate everything. I will stop with the Fenugreek and look into the GR. Yes, that's what I meant - herbal form, thank you. I will check it out but my only concern with GR is whether the effects are temporary or permanent. In my experience when it comes to prolactin, as long as it is stimulated, it is there but once you stop, that's it. However, it could be totally different with the GR of course - I guess I'm just turning into an old cynic when it comes to me and supplements/herbs. :-\

Anyways, don't want to end this post on a downer so again - I am absolutely thrilled that you're getting results with the BB. To an A cup and beyond!! :D

Padded Hell

New Member

That was only the 2nd wasp I'd seen so far, & it had to get me at my most vulnerable :-[. Well, it's official: I have a sore left nipple now. It's not too bad, & certainly not bad enough to stop me from noogling (nothing short of a nuclear bomb could do that!). It's a blessing in disguise that I only have 4 days left now of BB before I take my recommended break. I think I'll take 2 weeks off of it; the guidelines recommend at least 1 week, so how long before the shiny metal box of booby tricks calls to me? ;D
I'll still keep up my daily noogle though (sounds like some sort of boob-related newspaper! The Daily Noogle - where every page is page 3!!! Yeah, I wishhhhh!!!!

When I hit my 2 year NB anniversary, I think I'm going to start noogling every other day, give my body at least a day to recover. I think I'll try that until Christmas. Shifting the goalposts already ;D, and not to mention a few more rounds of BB in the meantime! When am I ever going to face the truth, eh???

I think the GR is worth a try, & I don't want to deter you but my boobs are just not reacting to it anymore. No pains, no tingles, nothing. I don't know whether it's becuse the herbs might be poor quality, or whether my super-resistant boobs have done the dirty on me yet again :mad: *shakes fist in the air like a crazy woman*
According to a herb book I have, it states GR 'develops the mammary glands', which is a bit vague, to say the least. So, I'm none the wiser! We are spookily similar, aren't we? I've got the same concerns when it comes to herbs & prolactin. I'm unsure whether the results would be temporary or permanent either, but I've never really had any success with herbs full stop, to come to any conclusion about it :(.

How are you getting on with the L cups? Are you still using them or have you gone back to the CL's? I've noticed slight improvements to my boobs over the last 2 weeks with BB, since I started changing to different settings each day :). It's all happening so so slowly though, but I'm going to TRY not to moan or get frustrated, because this was to be expected really. I'm happy that SOMETHING is happening! The A cup is still a way off yet, but I think I've glimpsed it in the far distance. Oh dear, I'm seeing mirages of underwear now. Someone call a doctor...quick!!!


New Member
GR gave me fullness and breast sensations only at the beginning, then the effect seemed to die down. so now i take breaks from it. i'm still playing around with how much break... :-\


Ouch, dislike sore nipple!!! :(
I hope it's just from a bit too much pressure. I don't know why this is happening, if I pump super gently then the colour doesn't change, but as soon as I start pumping a teeny tiny bit more, there it is. The body is a strange thing, isn't it?? :D

I don't know if either of us will ever face the truth, not at the rate we're going now anyway!! Truth scmuth I say. Just give us some boobies and we'll be fine, right??!!!

I might give the GR a try, why not? If so, I guess I could use it during luteal phase when I'm also using PC (which supresses lactation, no thanks - have lactated enough for one life time!!) and then use the FG batter during follicular...What do you reckon? I'm thinking of ordering seeds from ebay and then steep as with FG. DO you think I should crush them before steeping?
I'm not deterred by the lack of tingles. So far, I have *never* had any growing pains, no tingles, no nothing. Weirdo boobies. AM beginning to wonder whether my boobs too are laced with some super immune condition - it's almost funny. Almost.
I guess herbs wotk on the same premises as the pumps; frequent swelling becomes permanent? So far, I've never had any swelling from any herbs and I do feel that my body is very sensitive to them so I'm most reluctant to take anything in capsule form that has to go through the whole system. I know that I have read over at Nexus about people who get immediate swelling after drinking certain teas (GR being one of them) which is both amazing and a wee bit scary - it must be incredibly potent. I know that when we apply it externally it is not being diluted, but it still feels safer to me, because of my history of herb-reactions. I couldn't even tolerate the pill, tried so many different brands but I felt awful in one way or another on all of them. And then some women have no adverse reactions at all. Strange.

I'm really enjoying the L cups. They are a lot ore comfortable than the CL's I must say and I can also move around with them on - if I even took a deep breath with the CL's, they'd fall off :D
My plan is to keep using the L's for another month or so and then combine the two; one hour L, one hr CL per session. I think we have to keep our boobs guessing, since they are so, so reluctant to comply.

Are you really sure that the A cup is such a long way off? Have you measured yourself lately, and are you taking any pics of your progress?
I think it would be a good thing if you could manage a 2 week break, both for physical and mental reasons. I'd hate to think that we've gotten so hooked that we can't take a break...I know that I need to be very aware of that myself, because do I really want so much of my waking time to be consumed with NBE, both thinking about it as well as being hooked up? I don't, of course, but it's really hard to relax about it all and take a more zen approach I find - I'm worried that I might be missing out on swelling or that the next session will be really important, or, or, or and so on.

We're going away for a week at the end of next month and I've decided not to bring the NB (gulp). I know that I will fret a bit about it, and at the same time I'm kind of looking forward to seeing what my evenings will look like, not attached to the cups. It's been ages since I took such a long break but it can only be good, right?

34asm, that is interesting. Do you feel that it helped with growth/swelling at all? Do you sycle the GR or did you take it throughout. Oh, one last - batter or tea/capsules? :)


New Member
i never got noticeable swelling an hour after taking GR like some do over at Nexus. at the beginning, i was getting breast sensations during the day if i take GR in the morning. i thought my swelling from pumping was a little bit better but i could have just imagined that. i kept on taking it because i knew getting sensations was a good sign. i RARELY ever get breast sensations! but like i mention before, after a month or so, the breast sensations went away. so now i don't take it as regularly... at this moment, i'm trying out taking it more sporadically... a few days here, a few days there...

at the beginning, i was taking GR capsules from mother love. i trust their quality. but that became too expensive. so now i'm buying the herb and making tea.

i can relate on how this whole thing can be so addictive. most of my time at home, i'm constantly thinking, well can i do that with the brava on, or do it before/after i put on the brava. and if i'm at home and the brava is not on me, i'm thinking i'm wasting precious pumping minutes! this can't be healthy :'(


New Member
I've never heard of Goat's Rue and just googled it to try to find out more about it. Not many places sell it either and it looks like its pricey. I hear you on the addiction thing. I'm taking a break from my brava just because I think my nipples need the rest, but sometimes I'll go home for lunch and put on my brava for 30 or 40 minutes, just to get in some pumping time. I've been using my brava like a noogleberry, wearing it for 30 minutes to a few hours and I've been doing that since late March. The reason I'm taking a break is after this period, I noticed whenever I'd take off my Brava instead of getting that good plumpness, all I'd get would be my nipples "shriveling up" and no real breast plumping. I'm having to make myself take a break and to make up for it, I'm going to listen to my breast enlargement video 2 times at night instead of once. I even listened to the script 3 times while I was working out this morning, its on my MP3 player along with my music. Maybe we should start a group called Nooglers Anonymous! 8)

Padded Hell

New Member

Nipple seems to have sorted itself out thankfully :). I think it was because I'd started doing a bit of pump & hold again, and my boobs weren't used to it & rebelled! Bad boobs :mad:. The body certainly is strange! I find that my boobs go pink/dark red when I use NB, but stay flesh-coloured when I use BB. Huh??? Very odd.

I've stopped using GR more out of annoyance than anything. I got my hopes too high about it, I think. I should know by now, shouldn't I? The mantra for the boobie-challenged is "Be realistic" ;D. I used GR in follicular phase & FG in luteal, but I don't think it matters all that much which way round you use it. I always crush the FG seeds before steeping, as this releases more of the herbs active ingredients.

I've drwn the conclusion that my boobs are like a fortress, designed to keep everything out :(. I'm starting to wonder if they ever can be activated to grow, as this is ridiculously hard! My hormones must have been out of whack for a long time. When I tried going on the pill, I never felt so ill in my life. I had to come of it immediately, as one night I woke up & one side of my body had gone completely numb. It was frightening. When I queried it, the doctor just said "Some women can't use the pill", and that was that! You'd have thought they'd have checked my hormone levels or something! I tried a few other combination pills but they all had the same effect, not as dramatic, but just felt so awful. No thank you!

I like the L cups too. They seem to work best for me, as I can move about & do things in them too. Sounds like a good idea to combine the L & then the CL's. I'm still not having much luck keeping the CL's on, there's not enough side-boob to seal them in! I'll have to keep wearing them with the foam rings for now.

Well, I'm on my last BB session for two weeks, as we speak. I can't believe I've done 8 weeks of it, where did that time go? I'm sort of relieved to be having a break from it, but I feel like I'm just beginning to get somewhere with it! Argh!! I just hope I can pick up where I left off in 2 weeks time. Yesterday, my boobs looked & felt bigger, but it could just be pms boobs, so i'm trying to keep level-headed. If they're not just pms boobs, then yippeeeeeee!!!!! Houston, we have lift off!!!!

I'm afraid I'm hooked on this too. I stupidly burnt my hand on sunday, & all I was worried about was whether I could noogle or not!!! Talk about screwed up priorities! ;D. We've all been boobie-brainwashed! I think not taking your NB on holiday is a good idea. I don't think it will have any negative effect on your boobs in that short space of time. It would be so great to put this all out of my head sometimes, but easier said than done, when you've wanted (& waited :mad:) for something so long!!! I'm still not an A cup, Minnie. A very loose 32a at best! Tried on an unpadded 34a bra yesterday, and it was very gappy at the front *heart sinks* :(, but failure is not an option!!!! ;D :)

Padded Hell

New Member

I don't know what happened with the GR! ALL the tingles went away so quickly, now it's having zero effect. Perhaps I should try the mother love capsules. I've just been usng the dried herb, and I'm questioning how potent it is :-\.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has an 'addiction problem' with this, but if we weren't so obsessed, we probably wouldn't have had the stamina to keep going for so long! So, it's sort of a good thing in a way. I'll just keep telling myself that anyway ;D, probably as my husbands packing his bags & walking out the door shouting "It's the noogleberry or me!"

Padded Hell

New Member

Nooglers Anonymous! ;D. Consider me in!! I feel like I've built my whole life around my ever-expanding boobie 'project'!! My husbands off from work for two weeks, & even though I'm completely open about what I'm doing, I find I'm sneaking around trying to squeeze more boobie-time in my day, without him noticing! I don't want him to know just how much time I'm putting into this. Needless to say, the bathroom has become my 2nd home at the minute!

Yes, the GR is pretty expensive. That's why I bought the dried herb, as it was cheaper, but now I'm starting to think I wish I'd bought the more expensive capsules!

That's strange that you mentioned using the Brava & you nipples shrivelling, as this is what was happening with me a while back, when I used NB. It looked like my nipples were tired of somethind, probably fed-up of being stretched all the time ;D! That's why I started using BB too, to try tp pep them up again. So far, so good. But sometimes a break from pumping is what's needed :)


Thank you for the info 34asm, I think I might give the GR a miss. My head is starting to spin; I've been trying to think up different programs for the last couple of days; what to use in which phase and so on...Think I'm just going to stick with the NB. I've been trying to find info online on the GR, but it's quite limited, compared with FG for example. Anyways, I'll keep it in the back of my mind, maybe some day I'll give it a shot!

PH, I'm glad to hear your nipple is looking better. Maybe I should stick to pump and release as well, lately I've been sooo lazy and just do the pump and hold....Perhaps that's the culprit?
I hear you on having fortress boobies. Sigh. I almost admire them for being so resistant, they'd be great to bring to war. I did a long, long session this evening; from 6.30 to 11pm. Swelling? A little bit. Duration? About 5 minutes. A.R.G.H.

I'm thinking that it has to be a hormonal issue, definitely. God, I remember feeling ill on the pill as well. Awful!
I am now beginning to wonder if I should take a break from the PC...I was reading over on Nexus, that if there is a suspicion that hormones are out of balance, Agnus castus is your friend in balancing them out. Then, after 3-6 months of using the AG can PC or PM or whatever herb/cream of choice be introduced. So maybe I did it all backwards, and perhaps I should try some AG?
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD this is confusing at times. Just give us some boobs already!!

You know, I wouldn't even go near a 34A. 32A, sure. Does that mean we're a 30B??? :D
I really, really hope it isn't pms boobs and that the BB has worked a bit of magic for you. I am definitely entering the pms boobie stage. Today my mother looked at me and signaled towards my boobs as in "they are bigger" (she knows about the NB). I could just shake my head and utter the three letter word. Stupid pms.
I think I'm in a pms mood full stop, what an awfully negative post this is turning out to be :D

So, I'm approaching my 18 month anniversary. I should celebrate it really, apart from being with the same guy for a decade, I don't think I've stuck with anything for this long!!! ;D

And our priorities are not screwed up, just very focused. We all know that stamina and determination wins the race, right? Right??? ;)
Who knows - one day we might just feel that we're done and that will be that. In the meantime, we're soldiering on! Before the end of this year, we shall both be an A cup, anything else is not an option!! Go NBers anonymous!! :D


New Member
Hey there PH!

How about Noogleholics Anonymous?! You're exactly right about the description of the nipple/areola, its like its the skin is tired and streched, has nowhere to go and just puckers up. I'm trying to make myself take a break from the Brava, but its so hard, its like when I'm using the Brava, I feel like I'm "doing something" for my boobs to enhance them. My husband & I got into an argument about boobs on Saturday morning, he said I'm getting obsessive and that "its all in my head". Its like, wow, babe, thanks for the support and encouragement. Then we got into another argument last night during the Miss USA pageant. During the swimsuit competition. :'( Everytime someone's name would be called, he'd say "those are fake", "Those are real", "those are fake". I got so irritated that i told him I felt insecure watching the thing with him and he probably wouldnt' see my in a bikini the rest of the summer. Wow, that did it. He turned off the TV, slammed down the remote and got on the computer. Next time I will keep my big mouth shut. :-X I'm so glad I have this forum, this is my only place to share. How does your husband feel about your noogling? Does he get tired of seeing you "domed up" all the time or is he so used to seeing you noogling that he doesn't notice? Its a new month with new hopes! Maybe June will be our month!