Red spots?




So I ordered a Brava about 4 years ago, and used it as directed (10+ hours a night) but observed minimal if any growth. I came across Noogleberry, and was intrigued by the concept of greater suction for shorter time period. I decided to try this with my brava domes first, since I already have them, and to see if this would actually work. To get a greater suction, I just increase it manually and then clamp off the tubes. The first few days i didn't notice much growth, but the fourth day (today) after pumping for only 30 minutes I was huge!! It only lasted maybe a couple of hours, but I was still encouraged by the improvement. Anyways, I may still order Noogleberry in the future, once I become too big for my current domes.

Anyhow, so for my question. After pumping I had quite a few little red spots (like tiny broken blood vessels). Have any of you experienced this? How can it be prevented?


Many of us have had the red spot syndrome, but we were callling them red dots.
Check out this thread:
Or enter red dots in the search engine and hopefully you will find the info you need. Also check out the arnica spray threads.