Seek advice on recommended breast enhancement cream/lotion to be used with NB


New Member
Hi, like to seek opinion on recommended breast enhancement cream to go along with NB cos my progress has been really slow lately so I'm thinking of a change. Ever used Breast Actives cream and seems to be okay but it went out so I'm using Palmers Cocoa butter presently. Not necessary to be marketed as breast enhancement cream - for example, product like KA which is not known for breast enhancement cream but have been used and proven effective for some users. Looking forward to hearing from you all and have a great weekend ahead!


New Member
tried some creams but...didn't work for me...
Now I alternate betw castor oil and jojoba oil (carrier/transporter oils) and massage and then add borage oil on top and massage then nb...



Look under, "Health and Beauty" breast enhancing cream.


New Member
I personally find olive oil useful and castor oil too.. olive oil is bit expensive, I use it for cooking and i also massage it on my breasts. Castor oil is cheaper and I use it for my eye lashes to grow it longer and thicker, it works

Thank you for posting that Gaia! I really would like to try the eyelash trick. Do you just put a little on eyelashes? Hmmm do you think it could do the same thing for regular hair lol????
I've had tons of olive oil sitting in my cubbard from buy 1 get one free sales! Finally something else to use it for lol :D

Anyways like the OP i'd love to have some ideas on creams. I've tried that wild yam cream a million years ago with some herbal pills. None of it worked... I tried hard with that darn cream :-\


New Member
Hello LittleBrokenArrow,

I use the used mascara, wash it out and put a drop or more on the wand, rub it over and then apply it on my eyebrow and lashes, Should take 6 weeks to take effect. Yes You can rub castor or olive oil on your scalp, massage all over and rub olive oil to the end of hair. Get wet towel and throw it in the mircowave for 5 mins. wrap it on your head. leave on for 5 mins or more and then wash as usual. It made my hair so shiny. ;D



New Member
Well, it's not marketed for breast enlargement, but my vote is MSM cream. :p I had steady progress ever since I started it a week and a half ago. Honestly, didn't expect to see results just 4-5 days after using it. It's not greasy and absorbs easily into the skin. I got this idea after reading a user's routine over on another NBE site.

Good luck in whatever you choose...